Chapter Sixteen- s****l Healing

2013 Words

Aria's POV The details of this seedy motel might as well have been a five star resort for the relief that washed over me to see the vacancy sign luminescent in neon. The chipped paint of the mold scented room became a wonder of the world for me as Steele lifted me over the threshold with the hold he made around my waist. The door wasn’t closed even a second before he guided me to the edge of the bed wearing the same expression of worried compassion that tainted his otherwise collected features. “Off…” He thumbed the hem of my shirt, another borrowed garment from Brooke, as I grunted in the struggle it was to lift it above my head. Not wanting to waste another second, he tore it from the shoulder down until I was left in my bra. Where most men would certainly take a moment to fixate on t

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