Chapter 2

566 Words
Ricardo I woke up, and it was still dark; after all, it was only five am. I had a strict schedule of waking up at the same time every day. In general, I didn't sleep much, maybe four to five hours at the most. I headed into the shower, and I didn't even bother to close the door. Only my housekeeper Lourdes lived with me, the rest of the staff start at seven. I tried not to be in the house while they were around; I couldn't stand people cleaning around me. It f*****g irritated me. I ran the cold water, feeling the need for a pick-up. Maybe I took too much of a shot last night, but I feel a little hungover, which is a surprise because I never drink to the stage where I was drunk. Then again, I did go out for a celebration with the gang last night. We had something to be happy about, so maybe this was why I felt like s**t. When I looked down, I was still fully dressed. What the f**k? Something must have happened because the last thing I remembered was coming up to my room after talking to dad, and I was pretty sure, I was f*****g naked; when did I get up to put clothes on? No one would come in here, so I must be confused about how the night ended or something. Then it dawned on me; I needed to get my drinking under control. Lately, I've been waking up and not remembering things clearly. Thinking something like this happened when it f*****g didn't. Maybe I needed a special friend like dad advised me to do. I wasn't like him. I didn't use s*x as a weapon, and I never felt delighted unless there was some connection with a woman. f*****g just for f*****g's sake, it didn't work with me. The guys in our business functioned that way, but for me, it was the one thing I could never just think about regularly doing. My cousin Diego sometimes f***s three or four girls a night, but he's young. "It's all about pleasure, primo!" He would wink at me; if we're at his place or someone else's and a party is going on, he wouldn't hesitate in picking up a girl or two. Life's too short; I've heard this repeated by so many different guys time and time again. Maybe finding a woman should be my next move. Go out there and get someone, someone who's not in the business. f**k, those women are so damn demanding, always wanting this and that. A Mexican girl would be good for the first few months; then she would mingle, and before I knew it, she would be demanding. No, I needed someone to keep me company in the bedroom when or if I needed it. Dad told me once he knew how to get someone for my needs. I would talk to him about it in the meeting; I had to get going for now. I was not too fond of tardiness and had to get there on time. Even if no one respected punctuality in my family, I did with all the passion in the world. I looked up at the antique clock that chimed in my bathroom. I had a f*****g clock everywhere. Time was money; both things I couldn't afford to lose.
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