Chapter 11

1083 Words

Adrianna I was shaking so hard I had to clench my teeth to keep them from chattering when they took my car, the smoke luckily having stopped coming out of it. I checked my account and I had exactly two hundred and fifty dollars to my name. It wouldn't last me long, but my rent wasn't due until next month, so I had a whole twenty-five days to come up with a new job. My insurance had lapsed, but I could pay for a new policy, and then tell them about the accident. I shook my head at the idea which had lasted all of five seconds. It wouldn't work because I would have to tell them the time of the accident, and no doubt, they wouldn't pay out knowing moments before I'd had an accident not on any car, but a big expensive one. I called Jen, the only person's number I knew by heart. The cop lent

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