Chapter 24

1254 Words

Ricardo I sat sipping the wine, the same one I'd drank at the bar had been waiting for me in her room. She had what I could only imagine to be every stripper's changing room. There were a ton of wigs, bikinis, dresses all hanging up, in different sections around the room. This wasn't the part which caught my eye, though; it was the photos on the wall. I'd seen and met some of my relatives, and even the dead ones were still respected, and their photos hung up on the walls of our houses. Tio David, Jorge and Fern, and then there were photos of famous stars, Al Pacino, De Vito, etc. Who the f**k was she? How old was she? Tio David was well into his seventies, but he looked as if he was in his forties in this photo. But the stripper and waitress I'd met, couldn't have been more than thirt

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