Part 4

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"Her name is Doctor Hayle Miller. In short, she's an orphan. She works at St. Joseph's Memorial Hospital as an obstetrician. She recently broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago and is now undergoing a pregnancy program to win him back," explained a man with a Latin appearance, summarizing all the information he had gathered about Hayle. The man sitting at a large polished teakwood desk immediately tossed the folder with Hayle's photo in front of him. He even wiped his hands again with a white handkerchief from inside his suit jacket. "Disgusting." The words slipped from his flat lips. Just as cold as the glare of his eyes as he looked at Hayle's photo in the file, continuously wiping his hands as if they were tainted with filth. "But I believe she just wants to get back with the man who was with her, Sir. They've been together for eleven years and he left suddenly." The only person who dared to speak up and express his opinion was his assistant, Roberto. "Still. A woman who does things like that, disgusting," the man discarded his handkerchief into the trash can beside his desk. Roberto saw it only raised his eyebrows. It was a usual thing for his master, who was indeed very unique in personality. "So what should I do? Should we eliminate her?" Roberto took the file. From his look alone, Roberto knew this was disturbing for his boss. "Is that really mine? And what's the percentage chance of the pregnancy happening?" his sharp-eyed glare pierced Roberto, luckily this man was resilient enough. "They're still doubtful, and according to people there, it's below 50%." "In that case, just wait until we know for sure. I don't want to waste my lineage even if he has to be born from a woman like her. Guard my lineage well." The man glanced again at Hayle's photo, which was already in Roberto's hands. "Yes, Sir." "For those who have made mistakes. You know what to do. Now, prepare the car. I'm leaving now." The man stood up abruptly, making Roberto immediately nod promptly, fetching his long black coat. "Yes, Sir. Everything will be taken care of." *** "Doctor Hayle, it's good to see you back. Are you feeling better now?" a nurse at the hospital where Hayle worked greeted her warmly. Hayle was known as a very dedicated doctor in this hospital. "Yes, I'm fine." Hayle adjusted her hair, tucking it behind her ear with a sweet, hopeful smile. After doing this, she felt like she finally had a purpose and a big hope in the world again. "Are there any patients waiting for me?" "Wow, it seems like Doctor Hayle is back to being cheerful now. Her aura is different." Another nurse chimed in, handing over several stacks of medical records. "Of course, our beloved doctor, surely awaited by her patients." "Wow! Quite a lot!" Hayle exclaimed with her radiant smile. Lately, she found it easier to smile. After taking a month off that she had never used while working, Hayle finally returned. She needed that time to rest completely for her insemination to succeed. "Good morning, Doctor Lucas!" The first nurse who greeted Hayle earlier immediately greeted Lucas. Hayle, who tried as much as possible not to look towards the man who was undoubtedly approaching her now, overheard it. The nurses there nudged each other, although their previous relationship at work had never been openly acknowledged. But rumors had it that the two of them had a relationship, especially after Hayle's downfall upon learning that this man was engaged to Sonia. It seemed to confirm everything, although Hayle and Lucas still kept it tightly under wraps for them. That was their agreement beforehand because the hospital's rules stated that there should be no relationships when entering the same department. "The patient in Edelweiss room bed 2 can be discharged now. It's approved by me." The voice that lingered most in Hayle's mind instantly made her breath irregular. Lucas glanced briefly at the woman beside him. Usually, she would either avoid him or look at him with a bewildered gaze that made Lucas feel rushed. But today, she remained silent as if she didn't exist. She even seemed to be focused on her medical records, although Lucas knew it was impossible. Lucas was about to speak when Hayle spoke first. "Alright, can we start now, then?" Hayle said with a radiant smile and a bright face. For three months, she had been shrouded in dark clouds, but today, Lucas saw the shining face of Hayle, which he realized he missed. Lucas himself furrowed his brow slightly when she left so abruptly, as if she was transparent. The two nurses exchanged glances. With slight nudges in their hands, they both smiled as they watched Hayle walk away. "Doctor Hayle is very enthusiastic today. It seems like after the treatment, she's happier." The nurse continued their action. Of course, they all supported Hayle. As fellow women, they should be like that, even though they didn't dare to do it openly. "Treatment?" Lucas asked unconsciously. Of course, this made the two nurses smile inwardly. "Uh, I mean, I just want to know as a colleague? Doctor Hayle didn't come in a few days ago because she was sick?" Lucas spread his sweet smile. "I heard that, Doctor. Doctor Hayle was treated by her friend. Maybe someone took care of her until now, so she looks so fresh." Another nurse replied with their smiles. "Ah! I forgot. I have to go to Doctor Hayle's office now. Excuse me, Doctor Lucas." The nurse immediately took the stacked medical records. Lucas just nodded with a smile. Then, he looked at the nurse who walked away from him. His face looked slightly different for a moment, but then it was full of smiles before he stepped away. The nurse who stayed there just returned the man's smile. "Handsome, but his behavior is way out of line," she scoffed inwardly. "Hah!" Hayle took a deep breath. Usually, every morning like this, she would enjoy a cup of coffee. But since she started this pregnancy program, she had to settle for drinking special pregnancy milk. She needed its folic acid and other nutrients to ensure her baby's branch developed properly. During the first trimester, it's crucial for the growth of neural tubes. Hayle had to meet all her needs, even though it was still a few days before she knew whether the insemination was successful or not. Yes! It must be successful. Hayle immediately wanted to leave the pantry at her workplace. But when she opened the door, she saw a man in all black clothes staring at her sharply and flatly. Hayle hurriedly went back into the pantry, her heart pounding. For some reason, she didn't know if it was just her feeling or what. But since she started this insemination and left the clinic, she felt like she was being watched. Anywhere, anytime. Sometimes she could see people looking at her strangely, both men and women. What's really going on here?! Hayle shook her head quickly. Perhaps it was just because of the hormonal surge still present in her body, making her feel this way. Increasing her sense of suspicion. It couldn't be that someone was watching her. Who was she anyway? She didn't do anything wrong. As Hayle tried to regulate her breathing and was about to open the pantry door again, she was suddenly startled again, causing the milk she was holding to almost fall from her hand when the tall figure entered abruptly. Hayle's eyes widened. "You?!"
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