Part 82

1969 Words

Hayle slowly opened her eyes, her vision still blurred as she scanned the room. She quickly recognized her surroundings and, noticing the figure of the man sleeping beside her, she carefully sat up. However, feeling the slight movement beside him, Jaxter immediately woke up. "Did I wake you?" Hayle asked, observing her husband's tired face. Just like her, he looked exhausted. Hayle was sure that her husband hadn’t been able to sleep peacefully, especially after his duel and injuries. His fatigue seemed even more intense than hers. "No. How are you feeling?" Jaxter took a deep breath, trying to mask his drowsiness. "I think I’m okay. I’m so weak, aren’t I? I need to be treated and given an IV. You should be the one resting, not me. How are you?" Hayle looked at her husband with concern,

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