Coming Clean

1358 Words
I closed my eyes and sighed as the hot water hit my skin. I had debated taking a shower, at all. Getting naked, even behind a locked door, with five strange men in the house made me nervous. But I wanted-no,needed-to feel clean again. Besides, if they wanted to do something, I was pretty sure a flimsy doorknob lock wouldn't keep them out. And if they'd intended on raping me, pretty sure one or more would've done it by now. Still, I wasn't about to push my luck. I washed my hair and body as quickly as possible, rinsed, and turned off the water. Listening carefully for any sounds outside, I stepped out of the shower stall and toweled myself off. A plastic laundry basket of folded clothes had been left under where the towels hung. I was slightly surprised by the contents - a couple of tee-shirts, gym shorts, sweatpants, boxers, socks. Obviously men's clothes, but at least they were clean. I opted for white socks, boxers, grey shorts, my own bra, and an Alice Cooper shirt. The shorts and shirt were baggy, but not terribly so. Along with the shower supplies, I'd also been provided with a hairbrush, deodorant, toothbrush, and toothpaste. Could be worse. I took a few extra minutes to braid my hair into a plait over my shoulder. After using the toilet and washing and drying my hands, I listened again. Silence. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, I stepped slowly to the door. Best get it over with. I opened the door carefully, hesitated again, then stepped out. The basement air felt almost cold against my skin after the steamy bathroom, but it was refreshing in a way. "There's food, if you're hungry." I jumped. Kieran was sitting in his original position against the back wall, his forearm resting on one raised knee. He smiled slightly. "Didn't mean to startle you." "No-no, I'm okay," I said quickly, crossing my arms and cupping my elbows. "Guess I'm a little jumpy." His smile turned wry. "Can't imagine why." I laughed, surprising myself. Seeming pleased, Kieran smiled back, and I flushed, averting my eyes a little. Down, girl. Two paper bags had been placed on the floor by my bed. Next to them, a tall styrofoam cup with a lid. One bag held an assortment of small muffins; the other, two apples and an orange. The cup was filled with coffee, with cream and sugar already added, based on an experimental sip. "Did you, uh, eat while I was in the shower?" I asked, perching on the edge of the bed with the coffee. "No," Kieran said, sounding bemused. "They'll get around to it this evening, perhaps. That's been the habit, at least." I stopped, the cup half-way to my lips. "You're kidding." "Afraid not." "Jesus," I said, stunned. "So-wait-they've been bringing you food once a day? How long have you been here?" "Three days, by my count." "Well, that's bullshit. Hang on," I said, getting up. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like?" I held my coffee in one hand and grabbed the two food bags with the other. Setting everything down near the cell, I went back to the case of water and grabbed four of them. "Let me guess- they're not giving you water, either, " I said angrily, carrying the bottles back to the cell. "Lass, you don't need to-" Kieran began. "I do and I am," I shot back. I leaned forward and put each of the water bottles on the floor inside the bars. Sitting down cross-legged in front of the cell, I moved the coffee cup over and started rummaging in the bags. "Looks like we've got two each of chocolate chip, raisin, and blueberry," I noted. I divided up the muffins evenly between the two bags. I took an apple for myself, leaving the other apple and orange in Kieran's bag. "Here you go," I said, slipping the bag through the bars. Kieran hadn't moved yet - he just sat as he was, staring at me. "What? I can switch anything with you that you don't like," I said, a little nervous now. "You're not allergic to anything, are you?" "No, lass," he said quietly, his eyes softening. "I'm not." "Well, come on and eat," I said, patting the floor a little. Then, because I couldn't resist, I raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Promise I won't bite." Kieran threw back his head and laughed-a genuine, rich laugh that brought instant butterflies to my stomach. I tried not to stare as he stood up, or watch the way his muscles moved as he stretched. Shifting my eyes away from his chest, I found myself staring at the considerable bulge in the front of his jeans. Fuck. "You're blushing," Kieran said mischievously, grinning a little as he settled down on the floor. "Everything alright?" "I'm good," I said, probably blushing harder. "Would you, uh, like some coffee? I don't mind sharing." "Buíochas," he smiled, accepting the cup. "My thanks." He handed it back after a few sips. I had assumed he'd dive right into the food, but the water bottles seemed his first priority. He drank the first one with hardly a pause, then opened a second. "I'm sorry," I said, suddenly feeling ashamed. "I should've brought you water right away-" I went still as he reached through the bars. His fingers, rough yet incredibly warm and gentle, cupped the side of my face. "You've naught to apologize for,milseán," Kieran said softly. "And I am in your debt." bMy vision blurred. I squeezed my eyes shut, but still felt a tear escape. Kieran wiped it away gently with his thumb. "It's alright," he murmured. "It'll be alright, Abby. On my life, I swear it." I nodded, drawing in a shuddering breath. Kieran eased back through the bars, but shifted so that he sat as close to me as possible. For awhile, we ate in companionable silence. Kieran peeled his orange, pulled it apart, and passed me half with a little smile. I accepted it, smiling back. He started to say something, then turned his head sharply as he coughed hard. More coughing, harder still. "Kieran?" I said anxiously. I grabbed one of the remaining water bottles and gave the top a quick twist, holding it toward him. "Here." He accepted the bottle without looking at me, still coughing. I rested a hesitant hand on his back, wincing at the strength of his coughs. His skin was hot and smooth. Not all of it. Up close like this, I saw for the first time the deep scars that peppered his back. Some looked like healed-over burns; others, furrows and jagged slashes. Christ - these had to have gone deep. Any questions I might've asked died in my throat as he carefully spat blood outside the cage, far away from me. "Kieran!" I gasped. Moving quickly, I gripped the bars with my left hand for balance and reached through as far as I could. I brushed his long hair back over his shoulder, tucking it behind his ear. ""I'm alright," he rasped, giving my hand a squeeze. He coughed hard again, then fell back against the bars. I shifted position, too, keeping one hand on his bicep. "No, you're not," I said. My tears were back, but not for myself this time. "You coughed up blood.Is that the, um, uh, wol-wolfsbane?" Kieran took a long swig of water and leaned his head back, eyes closed. He took my hand, though, and I held on tight. "Aye. It's no fatal," he said. He gave me a rueful smile. "Just inconvenient, given our present circumstances." You can't do shite, not with that wolfsbane in you, Rowan had said. I hesitated, then plunged ahead. "Okay. Maybe it's time you told me everything you can," I said quietly. "About me, about you. About us." He turned his head to look at me. It was hard to read his eyes, but I felt that tug again. I reached out and pushed his hair back again, gently. "Please."
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