A dream of becoming his

1734 Words

Taz had invited them back to his place; the walk to his home felt uncomfortable to Elise, especially after what had just happened at the ring and the misunderstanding with Rygan because of it. Rygan and Alvira's arms were still entwined as she caressed his forearm and flirted with him through the walk, while Elise, Kaide, and Tazmin followed behind. Elise was sheltered in the middle of the betas, who conversed as they walked to his home. It was very close to Rygan Mansion but was more privately covered with large trees that surrounded the space. Its entrance felt like a forest, but Elise was behind a beautiful, dark oak mansion. The pathway was lit by dim lights that gave the whole walkway and home a dark yet majestic ambiance, and right beside his home was an outdoor sitting area with

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