Chapter two-2

2033 Words

“I’ve taken some ’ard knocks in my life,” Dawes said jovially. “I’ll bet you have!” Mrs. Hunt retorted meaningfully. “And softer ones too!” They both laughed. Mrs. Hunt picked up her white quill pen. “Now, what’s this lady’s name?” “I thinks I forgot to tell you,” Dawes said, “but she be a widow.” “A widow!” Mrs. Hunt exclaimed. “I thought you was talking about a young girl.” “Her were a widow unexpected like,” Dawes explained. “Her ’usband had a nasty accident. Broke ’is neck out ridin’ and left ’er without a penny to ’er name!” “Poor woman, it must have been a shock!” Mrs. Hunt remarked. “That it were,” Dawes agreed, “and when ’er turns to me for ’elp, what could I do but try and ’elp her?” “You’re too kind-hearted, Mr. Dawes – that’s what you are – always taking other people’s

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