Chapter 2

2993 Words

Chapter Two Present day: Deep in the Shrouded Forest of Sarafin Walkyr moved through the rebel encampment with confidence. Dressed as a mercenary, he kept all but his eyes covered, which did not reflect their true color thanks to Arrow Ha’darra’s new invention. His older brothers had been right when they said the Curizan were masters of technology. Prince Jazar ‘Arrow’ Ha’darra had worked closely with Walkyr’s younger brother, Pallu, to develop the special contact lenses that allowed him to see in the harshest conditions, no matter which form he took, while also covering the telltale color of his eyes. Now instead of silver eyes that would have revealed his royal lineage, they were dull, gunmetal gray. Walkyr watched a tall man step out of the shadows between two skimmers. The man did

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