Chapter 14 Our Family's Secret

2097 Words

I looked at Luca with wide big eyes. He lifted his hand to take off his mask and my world turned into a slow motion as he slowly pulled it away from his face. There's nothing else I could see nor hear. I've only got my eyes on him. I was a bit worried that Luca would throw a fit and attack my brother when he asked him to take off his mask. I saw how he brutally killed two people without even blinking. I was anxious that he wouldn't hesitate to do the same to my brother too. But to my surprise... He listens to him and is now about to take the mask he's kept for so long and never wanted me to touch. So many things are running in my head. Why is he hiding his face? What's keeping him from showing his face to me. Does he also have a disfigured face like the man he just killed? Is he hidin

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