Best Night

3089 Words
Mackenzie's P.O.V. The door slamming surprises me and I look up from the TV screen. Mr. Orlando comes in and before I could understand anything he shuts the TV off. He stands in front as he takes out his gun out and points it right over my temple while he was looking really, really angry. Shit, what did I do now? "U-Uh Mr.-" "Tell me everything. Everything about Shawn Mendes!" He yells and I become a bit scared. "S-Shawn?" "Yes, Shawn! Shawn Mendes!" "Then y-you can just a-ask me, why pull t-this gun every where?" I mumble as he narrows his eyes. "Yeah, right." He quietly says as he slides it in his belt and I sigh. God, if you even wanted me to be kidnapped and sold out, then why by a psychopath? "Tell me." He takes up his right foot and keeps it beside me, on the couch and rests his hand on his thigh. "You want to know about Shawn?" I confusingly ask. "Uh-huh. He is your cousin. Isn't he?" "Um, yeah." "Now talk. Who is he? What kind of relationship you both have? Is he a distant cousin or close? Do you guys meet? Do you guys visit each other? Every single detail- I want them." He says and I become a little confused. Why does he need to know it? Still I reply cause I of course won't want to die at this age. "Well, he's my cousin. My Mom's elder sister's son. And he lives at Portugal, or, no, at Chicago. And about our relationship? He's just like an elder brother to me, really close." I slip the words out as he groans while rolling his eyes and sits back beside me. "Woah, woah, is he looking for me?" My face smiles up as I turn left and face him. "You'll see, Shawn will of course beat you up so badly, you should just see his muscular body. He'll punch on your face you so hard and will surely wreck your skull-" I say but before I can finish my sentence he takes out his revolver and again points at me. "Before he can beat me up, you'll be already a dead meat." "Sorry sorry sorry." I close my eyes. "Another rule, you can't compare your master with anyone." He pulls it out. "Master?" "Of course. If you're my submissive then I'm your master." He says as I give a disgusted look. "Maybe I would rather call you Mr. Orlando." "Did I tell you to call me master?" He raises his brows as I shook my head. "Mr. Orlando, it is really, really, really hard to memorize those rules. Please would you stop making them?" "Get used to it." He says as I grunt and flat back on the couch. "Um, why did you even ask me about Shawn?" "Cause that freaking asshole is ruining my life!" He yells. "How?" I furrow my eyebrows. "He first of all took my project and now also taking my sister away from me." "Sister away? Why, did your sister make him his new brother?" I ask confusingly as he looks at me. "Are you mentally five years old?" "No, I'm pure eighteen and gonna be nineteen in just a month." I say strongly. "Then stop acting like a five years old kid." "I'm not. I just asked how did Shawn take away your sister?" "He is dating her." He lets out a breathe. "Wait, Shawn is dating your sister?" I surprisingly sit up. "Means Lauren is your sister!" "You know Lauren?" "Um, I don't think so she remembers me cause when we met, there were more family members of mine. But I remember her. She's just an amazing person. She's really great." "Lauren met you?" "Actually she met our whole family, I mean my cousins and others. We go to Portugal once a year, for a family gathering. And Shawn brought Lauren there. But now it's really hard to think that Lauren is your sister. I can't even think it in my dreams!" "Neither can I." He quietly mumbles. "You can't think it in your dreams that Lauren is your sister?" I ask as he groans. "I'm literally feeling like I'm sitting here with a five year old kid! I said I can't think it in my dreams that these things are actually happening in my life." He says as I mouth a 'oh'. "I mean how? How did this even happen? Lauren, such a cute and sweet girl is your sister? I mean look at you, just opposite of her." I say as he gives me a look with his narrowed eyes and takes his glance back, without replying. I again lean against the couch as I sigh. What is even happening in my life? I look at Mr. Orlando, he is thinking something deeply, who knows what. Looking so much pissed off. "But if Shawn-" "Shut up. Don't talk to me when I'm silent and that's the next rule." He says as I groan. "I'd rather watch Netflix." I say as I take the remote in my hand. _ _ _ Johnny's P.O.V. "Lauren?" I call her out as I go to the balcony. I couldn't find her anywhere at house so I came here. "Lauren you're here?" I say as I see her sitting on a chair while her back was facing me and I go in front of her. "Go from here!" She yells as she takes her glance out from me and my heart skips a beat as I notice she's been crying lately. "Laur? Why are you crying?" I ask being tensed as I bent down on my knees in front of her. "I don't wanna see your face!" She again shouts and was about to stand up before I stopped her back by her hands. "Why? What happened?" She takes her hands out of mine and wipes her tear with the back of her hand. "You can't see me happy can you? Do you like me or even care for me a bit?" "Of course I do." "Then why don't you try to understand me?" She sobs as she wipes her tears again. "I hate you for that!" "Are you talking about Shawn? And you hate me for him?" "No, I hate you cause you don't try to understand my feelings. Neither you care for me." "I do care Lauren. In fact I care for you more than anything in my whole entire life!" "Then prove it." "What?" "Prove it that you actually do care for me." She says as I sigh. "All right." I stop. "I will talk to Shawn. Okay?" "And will this make things better?" She ask as I feel a vibration from my back pocket, realizing a message came in but I don't take my phone out. "It will. Why don't you do one thing? Call Shawn and tell him to come at our house for dinner tomorrow." "How can I be so sure you won't mess up things?" "I won't. I promise." I take her hands in mine. "Please forgive me. I promise I will make things good." She looks down on our hands and then at me. "You do?" "Yes princess. I'm sorry." I say a bit calmly and softly and slowly peck on her hand. "I'll decide it tomorrow. If you can actually make everything right then I will forgive you." She takes her hands back as she stands up and I also do. "Didn't I say? I will talk to Shawn. And do I ever break my promise?" "We'll see." She says before she walks out of the balcony. I run my fingers through my hair as I sit down on the chair. I have to play it swiftly. Cause now, if I try to take things normally between Lauren and Shawn, I'll have two benefits. One, Lauren will be happy. Two, if Shawn stays busy with his girlfriend and spends time with her more and more, he maybe can give less attention in finding Mackenzie, If he is even doing so. And, if Shawn does anything bad to Lauren, I have to handle it. Maybe he won't cause he doesn't seem like so but still, can't judge a book by its cover, can I? I take out my phone as I unlock it with my thumb and quietly curse underneath my breathe as I see a message popping up. From Sam: Aren't you coming? Shit, I almost forgot that I had to join Sam's party tonight. s**t, s**t, s**t. I type back as I stand up. To Sam: Yeah, coming in. _ _ _ "Look the fucker's back." Matt slaps my shoulder after I walk in. "Busy man huh?" Sam says as I raise an eyebrow. "Of course." I smirk. "So, how come this much of a scheduled businessman joined the party?" Ryan says as I sit back on the couch and so does he. "Businessmen can't forget their friends can they?" "No they can't." Sam pads my shoulder. "Hey, where are my drinks?" I ask as Matt passes me a bottle of Whiskey. "Did the fucker actually mend his ways?" Ryan laughs as I pour myself a glass. "Nah, think it in your dreams Ryan." Sam replies for me as I take a shot. "Never will even." Matt says after he sits back. "Why would I?" I raise my eyebrows. "I knew it. No matter what happens, John will be the same." Ryan says and takes a shot while I shrug my shoulders. "He will always be the same." Sam punches me arms with his elbows after I take down my glass from my mouth after taking a sip. "Sam, actually, did you-" I turn to him and as I was about to say something my eyes get stuck in a place behind him. "Damn" I quietly mumble as I bite my lips and Sam looks back. "Oh, she? She's Skylar. We're friends of friends." He says after he turns to me while I was checking out the girl who's sitting on the bar stool. A fair girl with white tight fitted dress and wavy black hair, probably the most stunning girl I've ever seen in my entire life. "I can meet you up with her if you want." Sam suggests and I look at him. "I can handle." I stand up and past some drunk bodies as I make my way to her. "It's a shame that such a beautiful lady sitting here, alone." I say with a deep voice as I pull out the bar stool beside her and sit. "May I know the name of this gorgeous girl?" I ask and she looks at me. "First, the handsome guy says the name." She lets out her voice, well this voice tone of hers is making her much more attractive. "Me?" I smirk. "Johnny, Johnny Orlando. But you can call me John if you want." "Hey John, I'm Skylar, Skylar Elle Jones. But you can call me Sky if you want." She chuckles. "Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful lady eh?" I take her hand which was wrapped around a wine glass and softly kiss the back. "Then should I say such a handsome name for such a handsome guy?" She raises her eyebrows and I quietly laugh. "It wasn't looking good to see you sitting here alone, mind if I join?" "You're already joined." She shrugs. "Thank you." I play smile on my lips. "So grab some drinks and talk?" "Of course." "You like scotch?" "I love scotch." She says and I call the bartender and give our order, yet my eyes were still stuck on her. "So? Ms. Jones? Tell me something about yourself." "Come on, you can call me Skylar. I'm not that much old." "For courtesy, nothing else. But if you want I can call you Skylar. By the way, it's such a pretty name. Who kept it?" "Mom or maybe Dad. Who knows?" "They did an amazing job, cause this name really suits you." "Thank you very much for the compliment." She smiles softly."So, we maybe talked for like solid two minutes, yet I know so less about you. Tell me something about yourself." "I, what can I say? You know my name right?" "But name is not enough." "What do you think what am I? I mean my profession?" "You?" She narrows her eyes as she checks me up. "Maybe some athlete or you do business." "Athlete? But why?" "Cause you look like one." She says as I laugh. "You got it on the second time actually. But how?" "I felt a vibe." She says as the bartender passes our drinks and she hands me over my glass. "And may I know who am I talking with?" "I'm studying English literature." "It suits you." "Seems like everything suits me." "But nothing suits me." I say before I take a sip. "It does. I mean, you do like a businessman." She says while she keeps her hands on my biceps. "A businessman with pure muscles uh-huh?" She takes her hand back and takes a sip from her glass. "It-" as I was about to be finishes she looks back while the music changes to All mine by Kanye West. "Wanna dance?" She stands up. "I can't." I rest my elbow on the table. "Nobody needs to learn dancing to dance John." She makes me stand up. "Maybe, I can give it a try." I say as she pulls me to the dance floor, pasting people. "Don't you listen to Kanye?" She yells through the loud music after she stops pulling me. "Um, a bit." I shout while I was just standing there, between so many people but looking only at Skylar, dancing like nobody is even there. "John, come on have fun." She laughs and sings with the lyrics while I was staring at her whole body moving with the beats. Damn. That's what I wanted. "You have fun." I say after I place my hands on her waist as she turns and her back faces me. "I am." She comes closer and her back sticks with my body while she places her hands behind my neck. "Great to hear." I quietly whisper in her ear even though I know she didn't hear it. "Aren't you having fun?" She asks before she slowly traces down her left hand from my neck and tucks her hair in front as her bare shoulder could be seen. "Maybe." I couldn't but lean in before I start kissing her neck and wrap my arms around her body as she didn't even move back a little. Skylar slowly moves her hands down and places them against my arms while resting her head on my shoulder. "Hope I'm not doing anything wrong." I say in her ears as she looks back at me and leaves a kiss on my jaw line. "Nah." She replies after she turns back and I take no time in finding her mouth as I kiss her lips hungrily, like I've never even kissed someone before. I move my hand down on her lower back as she places her hands on my neck and our kiss starts getting deeper until she pulled out the very second I was about to reach my hand between her thighs. "Can we go somewhere, private?" She asks. "Um, sure." I confusingly smile as she gets back and grabs my wrist and takes me outside from the party, as a result we end up at the lobby of the hotel. "Where are we-" I was about to ask something before she went to the main desk. "A room please. For a night." She says to the lady there. "Please wait a minute." She types out something on the computer as I turn back to Skylar, noticing she's impatiently padding her foot on the ground immensely. I didn't even know I can create this much of an impact on someone so easily. "Name?" The lady asks Skylar after looking up from the screen. "Johnny Orlando." She replies and I clench my eyebrow. Wow, I mean she's booking and I have to pay. It's not like that I have any problem, rather I'm feeling amazing that the room is with no one else but this hot girl. Just wow. "Mr. Johnny Orlando." The lady quietly mumbles as she types down my name. "Sixth floor, room number 609. Enjoy your stay." The lady smiles as she hands Skylar a key. "I of course will." She says as she looks at me. "Are you gonna stay here at this lobby?" "No." I confusingly reply before she turns back and walks to the elevator and I follow her. As we get in the elevator, she pushes the sixth button and when the door closes, she turns back to me before pushing me against the back and kissing my neck. "I mean like, are you sure?" I ask as she fumbles her hands on my shirt, wanting to unbutton it as soon as possible. "No, I booked a room so that I can talk with you all night long. Right?" She said and I didn't reply. Well, I never thought that she would actually agree. Wait, I didn't even ask her neither am taking her to the room, she was the one who asked me if we could go somewhere private. Like, It's literally amazing. The elevator door opens and we look back, realizing it actually stopped at the third floor as we notice an old woman getting in. She quickly turned back and stood in front of me after tucking her hair while the woman presses the tenth button. "Can't wait huh?" I whisper quietly on her ear as she didn't reply while I slowly trace my finger on her arm in order to tease her a bit. She pushes my hand back as I chuckle and the elevator stops at the sixth floor before she rushes out. "Room number?" I ask. "609." She replies while we find the room and she fumbles the key, opening the door. "Do you need lights?" I ask as I get in and she closes the door, turning on the light. "Of course." She replies while taking my shirt off. "Also let me." I go closer as I reach my hand on her back and slowly take off the straps of her dress. I bet, this night is gonna be one of my best nights ever.
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