Where's She?

1757 Words

Johnny's P.O.V. "Fuck." I quietly curse underneath my breath as my head was hurting so badly. I rub my eyes and slowly open them, realizing we're both naked under the sheets in the suite. I again close my eyes while my index finger and thumb was rubbing on my temple. Last night, probably for drinking a lot, I've got a bad hangover. I don't even remember anything what happened last night. Maybe as we both are here lying down, we had s*x. Also my legs are also hurting, of course they would. After running this much after her, why wouldn't my legs hurt? I literally don't want to get up, my whole body needs rest. But I have a meeting at office which I definitely need to join. I shouldn't have drink this much, now this headache will make my day worse. I sigh and was about to get up but th

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