burning tears

1158 Words

111. Athena I didn't think that Javier would come after me after he had been wounded by Lorenzo but it seems as if he was one to never give up. I had thought he had gone home after being thrown out of the council building. The sight of him rooted me in place, my breath snagging painfully in my chest. I panicked but I reigned in my emotions for I didn't want him to see it. I knew that fear was a weapon he would and could use against me. Javier. His name was a curse in my mind, one that tightened around my throat like an invisible noose. "What are you doing? Leave me alone!" The words tumbled out in a desperate cry as I yanked at my wrist, trying to free it from his vice-like grip but he didn’t let go. My face burned, still stinging from the two slaps he had landed on me earlier in t

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