
His Mate, His Brother’s Luna


Aliya is completely shattered and heartbroken when she walks in on her husband in bed with his mistress. While trying to get out of her misery, the last thing she expects is to feel a profound pull and attraction towards her brother in law, James.

Prince James is on top of the supernatural world, he is not only dangerously handsome but the strongest wolf alive, all the women fall at his feet but he and his wolf only desire one, his brother’s Luna .


. What is it, Sia,' I ask my wolf.

' He's with her,' Is her distant reply before going back to the back of my mind.

I hear moans before I reach the bedroom door and my eyes well with tears. My hands are trembling as I softly push the door open and tears roll down my cheeks when I see my husband, having s*x with the woman I despise more than anything in our bed. She is moaning loudly as he thrusts in her. I feel like my legs are about to give up and my heart shatters into a million pieces but I cover my mouth shut with my hand, not wanting a sob to escape my lips.

" I missed you, Antonio,"

"I did too, babe," comes my husband's reply. Tears roll down my cheeks and I hiccup.

" f**k, Aliya," Growls Antonio.

I bolt out of the room, crying.

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Aliya's pov My name is Aliya Olsen, and a princess in my pack. I was arranged to marry the Alpha Prince of the strongest pack, Antonio Zecter, It was an alliance made years ago for the benefit of our packs. I swallow thickly as we descend the stairs of the jet. I take in the fresh air and smile, the weather is a little colder than back home but it's alright. A tall man with a slim figure approaches us. He smiles at me and bows, " Welcome to Zecter pack, Princess Aliya. My name is Noor and I'm the head of security," He says politely, " We shall escort you to the royal palace where the royal family is there to welcome you," We follow Noor to the cars and we get in a black escalade that was in middle. I take in the scenery as we move, everything is clean and magnificent with streetlights. It is very vast with beautiful tall skyscrapers and huge bridges. My nerves are going crazy and my heart is beating a mile a minute as we approach a huge cream-white palace, I'd never seen such a beautiful court before. The car stops and I get out. There are about a dozen people dressed elegantly just in front of the palace entrance. King Sebastian and Queen Dahlia are smiling, next to them are two handsome young princes, who don't look to be over seventeen years old. ' Where is Antonio,' I hear an irritating voice in my head, I get startled. ' Who are you?' I ask but realize it's just my inner wolf. We always get it when we turn eighteen years old however, I didn't shift but no one read much into it because other shifters are late bloomers. ' I'm Sia, your wolf,' she chimes. ' Oh, why didn't we shift on the full moon?' I ask curiously. ' Cause you're weak,' She says nonchalantly, I growl inwardly but she only scoffs ' Gosh, seriously? Even your growl is pathetic,' " Ali!" I turn around and smile at my best friend, Maya. She and I have known each other since we were toddlers that is why she came with me. " Damn, my driver was a nice snack, I wanted to bang his brains out," She whispers and I gasp, putting my fingers over her mouth. " Maya! Hush!" " My ladies," Noor appears in front of us with a gentle smile. " Where's your hunky man," Asks Maya. I shrug my shoulders and just then, a figure of a mighty man is walking toward us. " Prince Antonio," I breathe. Antonio is very tall, handsome, and well built with toned muscles, he has a chiseled face and soft brown hair. " Damn," Maya and Tania say in unison. A smile appears on my lips, however, the Prince's Hazel eyes hold no emotions whatsoever and he looks displeased with me. When he's in arms reach, I bow to him and he takes my hand and kisses it, making my heart flip. " Prince Antonio, " " Princess Aliya," He acknowledges in a deep voice that makes my core shake. We are walking side by side toward his family. I steal peeks at Prince Antonio but he doesn't look at me once and I feel a stabbing pain in my chest at his silent rejection. Once in the presence of the royal family, I bow to them and the Queen kisses my cheek, " Welcome my dear, do feel at home, it is yours now after all," She smiles. The two princes introduce themselves as, Shadrek and Ishamel. Queen Dahlia informs me that there is a party to celebrate my arrival and all the high-ranking wolves will be there. The inside of the palace is amazing, it has golden-themed rooms, the ceiling is high and it has so many rooms. Every room has antique and classy furniture with paintings on the walls. As two servants escort me to my apartment, I receive a text, PERFECT STRANGER " Hi Princess, How was your birthday party? Did you have fun?> ALIYA: It was fine, I wish you were there, were you?> PERFECT STRANGER: You looked beautiful in your dress> ALIYA: So will you were there, will you ever show yourself to me?> PERFECT STRANGER: Maybe but I do know you well>. ALIYA: Come on, we have been talking for years! now I've missed my chance to see you because I'm in another country> PERFECT STRANGER: I'm aware, baby girl. I hope the Prince treats you right because I'll steal you from him>. ALIYA: He will>. I text confidently. PERFECT STRANGER: Bye, little gem>. I sigh, I've been talking to a stranger who saved my life once at the river but I've never seen him before, he has proven to be a good friend so far. We reach my apartment and I take in the place, it is huge and cozy with a good view of the forest behind with a large terrace. It has a huge salon that has a modern fireplace and is well furnished with love seats and a flatscreen Tv, a study, ensuite bathroom, and a huge closet. The tall windows are large enough to allow air and light from outside. As I explore the rest of the magnificent palace, I hear voices of pleasure coming from a room. I follow the sounds and what I see makes me gasp in shock, Prince Antonio is heavily making out with a woman.

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