As I Am With You

1296 Words

I slowly pulled away from Vincent, my lips parting, my chest slowly heaving. He was looking up to me, his lips moist from my kisses, his eyes dark from his desire. He gave a small smile, his fingers pushing my hair back, his eyes darting slowly across both of mine. None of us said a word for the longest time, just stayed there, his eyes taking me in like it was the very first time he was seeing me. Slowly, he dropped his hand to intertwine his fingers with mine before he turned away, a bright smile illuminating his eyes. My father gave a small laugh. "You both are a delight to watch. May you be protected from all evil." Vincent gave another smile. "I am bigger than that evil, father. It should beg to be protected from me." "Alpha." I slowly turned to Mariana. She was now standing al

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