“How could this be?” Alicia snarled as she stared at Selene. “How come within two hours you're done with 3 big rooms already?” She cursed as she beat her legs on the floor angrily. Augustus stood behind her as he scanned the room. He fixed his eyes on Selene whose heart was a little bit unsteady and he smirked, maintaining eye contact with him and trying to act normal. Her heart skipped as she noticed Augustus’ nose searching for something and she could tell he was definitely trying to pick up a scent. “Not everyone is as lady as you are, Alicia. What do you even know how to do? Huh?” She said at the top of her voice. “All you do is party around, let your father pamper you at this old age of yours, plot against people and what else again?” Selene rolled her eyes before wearing a broad