Chapter 46

1067 Words

“We warned you! We sternly told you not to get carried away. You just met Ros, the first of the Weasley, powerful witches of the Gemini coven and cursed by the same coven for practicing dark magic but no, you went ahead and now, you have reunited the three brothers.” Draven snarled angrily as he looked at Celeste. “What do you expect from us? Your disobedience to the coven is punishable!” Another witch snarled angrily too as she looked at Celeste who stood at the center of the room, completely quiet and her head, facing downward. “It is! She should be banned. Exiled from our coven.” Another witch said angrily. “No!” The youngest elder stood up as he looked at all of them. “Wetmore did a lot for our coven. He was indeed a good and exemplary leader. It would be rude of us to ban his child

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