The man drags me to him, locking my wrists behind my back with silver handcuffs before throwing me roughly back against the door. My vision blurs as I stare blankly at the black carpet of the SUV, my head bumping against the plastic frame of the door as we drive over the rough terrain. Astor spins around, his face flustered, and he screams, "Will you shut the f*****g damn window already, you f*****g shithead!" The man obediently leans over me, and I flinch as his chest presses firmly to my cowering frame. I hear the sucking sound as the window closes and the driver soon puts the child safety feature on. That clicking sound shadowing my doomed future. It's silent for awhile, I stay pressed against the door, half concious to the world, we ride through the forest on some unmarked, barely t