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As time passed they spent more time together than he would have liked, and he wished she would get going already, but when he asked, she said she was looking for a job and could only leave as soon as she had one, and she hoped he didn’t mind. He did. But he didn’t tell her so. Then one evening, Pam decided, it’s now or never, she took Logan by his two hands, and she flattened him with her unexpected confession, “I think I’m in love with you. No, I know I am. I am completely in love with you, Logan.” She started with telling him how much he had taught her, how much she enjoyed spending time with him, how he had changed her life. She told him what a good friend he had become to her. He stared at her blankly as she spoke, wondering if he had heard her right. “You’re in love with me?” he asked, unable to find anything else to say. Logan pulled his hands back from her. She blushed and looked down at her hands, “You’re my best friend Logan, and you’ve always been there for me. You’re a great guy.” Oh no, this is not happening. He couldn’t deal with this, he knew it was a mistake taking her in. She was so stuck in this whole misery thing with her family, it was almost pathetic. He knew he was being harsh in his judgment of her, but his sudden irritation refused to let him feel bad for thinking it. “Look, Pamela, you’re great too, an amazing friend. And we’ve been close for a long time. I know you’ve been struggling and staying here hasn’t been a problem, but it’s not going to work.” The color drained from her face. “But… why not?” she asked so softly he almost didn’t hear her. “Because you’re just not the kind of person I want to share myself with in that way.” She looked like she was going to cry, and he felt a faint pang of guilt. “Look,” he tried to make it better, “you’ve been through a lot and it’s not over yet. You just need to sort yourself out first before jumping into something like this. You have so much going on. You can think about a relationship later.” “But it won’t be with you,” she said dully. “No, Pamela.” He said, “I’m sorry.” Not knowing what else to say, and feeling rotten for being the reason she was crying this time, he walked out the door. When he came back, hours later, he found that she was gone. His mom told him that she’d found a job in town and left straight away, not wishing to impose on them any longer. A strange combination of feelings lodged themselves in his stomach at the news, and he called his friend Thomas, arranging to meet at the pub again. “So she left? Alright, so tell me then, what is it that you want?” Thomas asked. “She did… and it is. I didn’t mean for her to leave right away, but Tom, I swear I couldn’t do it,” Logan confided to his friend. “She’s just too much for me.” “What did you expect she would do? Stick around after you made it clear you didn’t want her?” “Quit bugging me okay? It’s not my fault I don’t want to date her is it? I didn’t ask for her to tell me she loves me.” He got annoyed when Thomas pointed out the obvious. “How well do you really know her?” Thomas asked. “Too well, my friend. She’s been at my house for months now, moaning about her father.” “Yes, you said that, but what do you know about her besides that?” “What is there to know besides that? The crazy bastard rules her life.” Suddenly, a strange tingling started spreading through his body until it reached every part of him. His throat felt dry, even when he took sips from his drink repeatedly, and he felt inexplicable itchy. Thomas watched him coolly as he frantically tried to quench his thirst. He didn’t even flinch when Logan dropped his glass, losing control of his hands. Blackness started to take over his vision, and before long he gave in to it
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