"Your bird's flown." Vince looked up from where he was shrugging into his leather jacket. He was about to head over to Jenna's house and collect on her debt. Avery Larson, one of his security men, strode into Vince's office. Avery's presence was bad news since he was supposed to be sitting on her house. Vince sent him over the minute Jenna got off work. "Apparently she left work early and flew the coop before we could get there," he said gruffly. "Sorry boss. This was my bad." "Not your fault," Vince snapped, not in the mood to soothe his guy's feelings right now. "I should've put someone on the house from the beginning." Vince wanted to punch something. Of course she'd run. She knew he would be gunning for her. He'd as much as promised he'd come after her if she didn't deliver his mes