Chapter 2 - Found Love

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Liam walked into his mansion looking extremely happy. Agnes got lots of chocolates as a gift which she doesn't know why but for Liam it was her gift for getting such a great teacher.  All the workers and maids were stunned by his such happy mood. He smiled and greeted his sister , Chloe who was sitting in the hall.  " My brother is very happy today ." Chloe said pulling him to sit beside her.  " Hero , picked me up from school today and hero likes my teacher." Agnes chirps.  " Agnes , no chocolates for you." Liam glares at her , Agnes picks up chocolates and runs to her room to hide them.  " What was that ?" Chloe asked as Liam shrugged.  " Who is she ?" Chloe asked.  " No one sis , she's troubling me." Liam said avoiding eye contact with his elder sister. " Really , then why are you so happy , I haven't seen you so much alive in years." Chloe said as a tear escaped her eyes. " Sis , when the right time will come then I'll tell you myself the reason for my happiness." Liam said walking away.  Liam was an unwanted child by his parents when he was born but his sister loved him from the bottom of her heart. Liam still remembers the days when he's sister got lots of toys but he barely had two or three.  For his sake , his sister told their parents that she liked boyish toys. When she got the toys , she secretly gave them to Liam. To avoid his parents , he joined work from an early age and achieved success so much , that he soon was competing with his father's company.  He's father saw he's sharp mind in business and wanted to hand over his business to Liam to reach his company to sky but Liam denied it. He is made from himself and didn't use a penny of his father's wealth. But , there was always a piece left in his life which reminded him that he is incomplete and unwanted but today he knows he has found that piece. She will complete his life , she will fulfill his needs and wants. She will make a heaven out of his hell heart. Liam entered his room and saw his dark world. Everything was in black and gray ,  she will come and decorate it with all colorful things as much as she wants. He sat on his bed and caressed the other side of the bed , he can't wait to make love to her on this bed. Where she'll be lying here writhling in pleasure while he'll take her in all possible positions. He cant wait to see her pleasureful face when he will make love to her.  He starts imagining the positions he's going to take her in , in this room. He looks down and sees his little member excited , her thought made him hard. Liam groaned and entered his bathroom for a cold shower. He took off his clothes and got under the shower , the cold water hit his skin making him relaxed. After a few moments , Liam thought of  f*****g her in the tub , how exciting it could be ? He touched the mushroom tip of his length and started jerking his length thinking about f*****g her on the floor of his bathroom floor where the cold water will be running on them .  He's breathing got heavy and he starts panting as he c*m hard. Damn , he doesn't even know her name yet and she is doing so much effect on him. Meanwhile the girl went to her apartment after a long day at school. She walked in lazily in her apartment and took off her heels. She went to the bathroom to wash her hands then she remembered that she shook hands with the most handsome man she has ever seen. She brought her hand to her face and touched her face with the same hand , she could feel his touch there.  After giggling at her own silly act she walked out of the washroom and checked her phone there was no call or message from her parents , tomorrow was her birthday but maybe her parents had more important work to do then to wish their daughter a happy birthday.  She ate her dinner which she bought from the restaurant and got ready to sleep when her phone rang. She saw it was her brother , the only person who loved her.  " Happy birthday Abbie." her brother said in a chirpy voice. " Thank you bro. I love you." She said.  " You're getting old so quickly , I can't believe you're so big now ." her brother mumbles. " Amber , mom and dad were busy that's why I called." her brother said in a pleading tone. " I know bro , they are busy for the last fifteen years and truth to be told I'm used to it but you wishing me made it special." Amber said wiping the tears that were falling.  " I love you." Her brother said. " I love you too." She said smiling. " Bye , I'll go I've got some work. Sleep tight and don't let the monsters bite." he laughed.  " Bye. Take care." Amber said cutting off the call.  She always asked herself , what mistake she did to deserve so much ignorance from her parents. As always she couldn't answer that question but she cried herself to sleep.  --- In the morning ,  a little storm was going on in Knight mansion. All workers and maids were tired and a few fainted.  " Listen baby , everyone is busy today. We'll go some other day." Chloe said trying to feed her scrambled eggs.  " No , no , no. I wanna go shopping and that too today." Agnes screamed. " What's the chaos about ?" Liam asked walking down the stairs in his grey suit.  " Hero , lets go for shopping please." Agnes pouting. " Cupcake , I have a important meeting today. We'll go tomorrow." Liam suggested sitting on the breakfast table.  " If you take me to shopping then I'll ask Amber madam to meet you on Monday when you come to pick me up." Ages said smirking , the little demon knew how to pull one's strings.  " I don't want to meet any Amber or Zamber." Liam groaned. " But just yesterday you made her your friend ." Agnes pouted and Liam's head shot up. " Her name is Amber ?" Liam asked and Agnes nodded showing her toothy smile. Liam looked down and smiled to himself thinking about her name , looks like he needs to buy a lot of chocolate now to bribe his little information booth.  " If she's troubling everyone so much , then I think I'll take her." Liam says in a neutral face. " Liam." his sister says doubting him. " Bye sis ,  come cupcake lets go." Liam says kissing his sister's forehead and picks Agnes up from the table to avoid any more conversation.  Agnes keeps on telling him about Amber's clothes , shoes and things she likes while Liam records each and every information from her throughout the ride. Arriving at the mall , Agnes drags Liam to the kids section wanting him to buy her dresses. Liam starts selecting dresses but when he calls Agnes to see if it'll match her or not , Agnes was not there. Liam groaned at her behavior and informs his guards around to look for her. He stops suddenly and looks keenly at the narrow space between the clothes shelves. Agnes was laughing with someone there , when he looks closely , he sees the girl who didn't let him sleep whole night.  She was also laughing with Agnes and tickling her , Liam couldn't take his eyes off the pretty angel laughing in front of him. She looked more pretty when laughing. " Hero." Agnes shouts waving towards him. She looks back and her big doe like eyes go wide looking at Liam. Liam gives a gentle smile which she returns. " Hello , Mr Knight." Amber said smiling. " Just call me Liam." Liam smiles. " Hero , wish madam happy birthday." Agnes instructs. " Its your birthday ?" Liam asks , Amber blushes and nods her head slowly. Liam liked the crimson color on her face but he cursed himself for not getting a gift. " Happy birthday." Liam says kissing her right cheek. Amber's face goes red like a tomato and she closes her eyes for a few minutes , Liam really loves her shy reaction. Amber on the other hand couldn't believe that such a handsome man kissed her. " Why are you alone on your birthday ?" Liam asks looking around. " Well , no one had time to spend it with me or celebrate my birthday so I'm celebrating it myself ." she said laughing but Liam could see the hurt visible in her eyes. How can non of her family members pay attention to such a pretty delicate girl ? he thought. " Well then me and Agnes are going to celebrate it with you." Liam announces and Agnes claps happily in Amber's lap. " Oh Mr Knight , there is no such importance of this day for you to waste your time on." Amber said . "It is for me." Liam said holding her hand and walking out of the store. " Where are we going ?" Amber asks as Liam has literally dragged them out of the mall . " Somewhere to celebrate." Liam says smirking. Amber sighs knowing she wont win this battle. " Lets make it my place. I'll love to cook for us." Amber said with a glow of happiness on her face. Liam couldn't deny it. He was thinking of taking them to a hotel but her words were making his heart swell in happiness , she was inviting them into her personal space. " Lets go. We'll take you" Liam says gesturing to his car. " No , I have my car." Amber said gesturing to the black Audi parked next to Liam's Mercedes.  " Then you can take us." Liam offers and Amber laughs leading them to her car. Liam couldn't believe that a school teacher could afford Audi SUV. The drive was a beautiful one as Liam got to know that Amber is 25 years old and what she likes in colors , food and drinks. She parks her car and leads them to her apartment which is one of the expensive ones. Liam walks in and sees everything in gray and white. Agnes jumps and sits on the couch while Amber hands her a glass of milkshake. " Are you some mafia princess ?" Liam asks looking at the expensive furniture and items in her house.  " As much as it sounds exciting , but no. Its my brother. He's a wealthy business guy and so are my parents. You know money got me these but it still looks empty because no one stays here except for me. But today you filled it with colors by coming here." Amber finishes off blushing and Liam's heart skipped a beat.  He became the reason of her happiness.  " Okay , Agnes you wanna watch cartoon ?" Amber asks to which Agnes nods smiling. Amber sits beside her and turns on the television. Sponge bob square pants immediately appears on the screen and the show starts. Liam groans but Amber laughs. " You don't like it ?" she asks.  " Never. " Liam says sitting on the couch. " I love him. I've watched him since I was a kid and I still watch it now. At least an episode a day makes me happy." Amber says. " What ?" Liam asks widening his eyes. " He's cute , you should try watching him. I'll make lunch." Amber says walking into a room. Liam sits back and watches that yellow spongy thing. He's not that handsome that she likes him. He thinks and also walks into the room Amber disappeared in. He sees a cute little kitchen and an extremely pretty Amber chopping vegetables. She has tied her pretty hair into a bun and is chopping vegetables with a smile on her face.  " Hey , can I help ?" Liam asks after staring at her for a while.  " Yeah can you pass me the cheese from the refrigerator ?" She asks with a cute smile. Liam takes the cheese out and hands it to her. She starts grating it but her hair keeps coming on her face. Liam walks behind her and removes the fringes of hair from her face. Her fingers graze on her soft skin. Liam never touched anything so soft and pretty like her . He smirked while Amber's face was red and she had shivers running down her spine. She mumbled a thank you to him and continued cooking. After half an hour , the table was filled with many delicious mouth watering dishes. They sat together and ate the amazing food. Liam loved the food and controlled himself from moaning out loud. She did had magic in everything she did.  Amber fed Agnes and then ate her food. After lunch , Liam helped Amber clear the table and washed the dishes with her. They watched sponge bob after lunch but Liam was watching Amber who was laughing like child. Later they played snakes and ladders and they let Agnes win thrice. Agnes got sleepy after eating so much that she dozed off on the couch. Amber tucked her on the bed and came out to see Liam preparing coffee for them.  " Just done." Liam said carrying two cups of coffee to the balcony where Amber was standing. It was nearly time for sunset and the sky had a orangish color formed.  " Thank you Liam for making my birthday so special. I never had such an enjoyable day in my whole life. Thank you so much." Amber whispered. " Don't thank me Amber , you made my day beautiful today. Each and everything about you gives me happiness. You stole my attention , peace and heart the moment I saw you. I found the happiness and peace in you which I never found in anyone." Liam confesses.  " Liam ." Amber says looking at him keenly. " I know you don't know me well but Amber I've been with many girls , I wont lie to you but the greediness and selfishness they had , its not in you. You're different . I love you Amber and my love will never change for you. I want to spend my life with you , I want to marry you Amber." Liam says cupping her face with his hands.  " I like you too but its just too early to be in love but I am sure we can give this a chance." Amber whispers hugging him. " Just don't break my heart or I'll die. Don't leave me." Amber says as tears spill out of her eyes. She finally got someone who loves her. Liam cups her face and reaches down for her sweet juicy lips. He kisses her softly and slowly not like he kisses his whores because he doesn't want to bruise her soft lips. He doesn't want to hurt her. After a long moment , they both were breathless so they broke off. Amber was breathing heavily and blushing like crazy like Liam had the best kiss of his life. " Thank you for making my first kiss so special." Amber whispers and Liam nearly choked on his saliva. " This was your first kiss ?" he asked and she blushed nodding. Liam couldn't believe that a beautiful girl like Amber never got kissed by anyone. He thought she was not even a virgin because she was so beautiful but this was her first kiss.  He felt his heart overflowing with happiness , he was the first one to kiss her , he'll be the first one to make love to her , he'll be her first and last , her only one.  " I love you." Amber mumbled hugging him. " I love you too." Liam said kissing her forehead. ^-^ Things are happening too early . . . I know but I also didn't want to waste time going the long way.
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