What did you do?

2063 Words
LENNOX Rage, pure and undiluted, ran through my veins. For years, I held back. I kept my mouth shut, and I took on punishments because of them. No more. I didn’t even care if the Alpha title was going to be taken from me after this, but I was not going to hold back anymore. I let out a growl so strong that I felt the ground shake. Weston had been close to his mother, and he shielded her just before my hands landed on her. My mother held her face and she whimpered on the side. She never committed a crime, and yet she was treated in the worst way simply because she chose to stay with a man who couldn’t bring himself to reject her even when he didn’t want her. He came for me, his fist flying for even attempting to attack his mother, but that b***h had it coming. I managed to dodge his attack, glad that I took lessons in the woods with the only man who cared enough to teach me, and now it was paying off. “You dare raise a hand at my mother…” he roared like she wasn’t the one who started this. Is he being serious right now? “Lennox, stop this please…” both my mother and mate held each of my arms, pulling me back to stop this fight that needed to happen. “Enough!” Came my father’s roar, which actually did something. He was still Alpha King, and he had authority and power over us all and his words were final. Even though they’re always so shitty. This was the story of my life and my mother’s. “I have had enough of your insolence, Lennox. I will not tell you again that you must respect your Luna.” He spoke in such a tone that just wanted me to punch him right in his face. “Respect? Did you not see her attack my mother just now? Or do the rules not apply to either of you? She’s your f*****g mate for goddess’s sake!” Did I have to remind him who was chosen for him? Anger and rage flashed in his eyes. I had never seen him this mad, but neither had I been this mad either. It was a match right now, even though I knew he could beat me if he wanted to. He had it all to do so. His hand shot up to my neck, and he held me in a choke hold. “What did you say to me, boy?” He sneered in my face. Whereas from the corner of my eyes I could see his other son and his mistress hugging and consoling each other when they were the cause of all of my misfortune. Wait till I become Alpha King. I noted to myself, making a promise to teach them all a lesson they would never forget. “Ronin, let him go.” My mother’s voice pleaded for the first time since we got here. “I’m begging you, Alpha.” Then she went on her knees, sending a wave of shock to wash over me. What is with everyone losing their minds today? I was about to tell my mother to be up on her feet with her head raised high, but my father spoke before I could. “Thank your mother for saving your life, boy. Now get out of here and go cool off somewhere before I change my mind and beat the s**t out of you.” I was shoved backwards, stumbling and almost falling, but hands, strong as they could be, held onto me and kept me in place to stop me from falling. “Do not let him back here until you’re sure he’s calm.” I was dragged, behind me, my mother and mate were following. “June, come here.” My father’s Beta called after his daughter. I forced my legs to stop moving, and I turned to find June’s steps had faltered. I loved June more than life itself, but sometimes I hated that she could be a pushover. “Didn’t you hear your father just now? Get back here right this instance.” This time, her mother snapped, and my mate jumped a little out of fear. I wanted her to fight for us even a little, but she didn’t. Instead, she pulled her arm away from my mother’s and threw me an apologetic look. That angered me even more. I was thrown out of the party with my mother, whom I knew didn't deserve any of this harsh treatment, but there was nothing I could do right now. Once the guards released me, I turned to my mother in anger. “Sometimes I think you enjoy being mistreated…” I snapped at her, appalled by the fact that she got down on her knees to beg those people. Her lips moved to speak, but no words came out of them. And as much as I hated that I was thinking this way of my mother, I could see a fraction as to why my father didn’t want her. He had called her weak and pathetic, and now I could see it. There was a glass fountain of champagne on a table and a minibar on the side of the porch for the guests who chose to stay outside and as I turned, I walked directly towards it and grabbed the first two bottles I sighted before walking away from everything and my sobbing mother. “I’m sorry, Lennox.” She sobbed as I walked away and my heart broke. I wanted to comfort her, but I was too mad at even her to want to do anything other than drink my sorrows away. I unscrewed the caps of the bottles and, without thinking as I walked, I gulped each one down, only stopping when the entire content had been emptied. Then I shifted and took off for the woods, running as fast as I could until my face felt numb from the cold breeze and until I could think clearly again. But my thoughts were as messy as a drunk’s could be. I ran for hours, until I couldn’t anymore. I ran until my wolf forced my body to stop moving, and we came crashing straight into a tree, shifting back to human in the process. I lay on the ground for some time, until the dizziness passed. My thoughts flew, and I felt like s**t for doing what I said to my mother before taking off. “You have to make it right as soon as you can.” My wolf voiced, pulling my attention away from my thoughts. “Who knows what she will be thinking?” he added, and I couldn’t agree more. “I’m such an i***t and I just proved to my father just how big of it I am.” I answered back only to be startled by the sound of a twig snapping. I abruptly sat up, but remained as low as I could, as I tried to get a better sense of where I was and who could be in the woods with me. Only then did I realize how far from home I was. I stood up when I waited and there was no other sound. I almost sighed in relief but the growling from behind me noted otherwise. In an instant, as soon as I turned, my nostrils were hit with the nastiest stench from the rogues in front of me. My anger was back in a flash and I went into defense against the two rogues that looked about ready to kill me. Something about them didn’t seem right, and they charged at me with the intent of either getting me wounded or dead, but I bet it was the latter. My mind was somewhat groggy, having only sobered up thanks to my wolf, Thorne. My moves were not as smooth as they usually were, but I was able to take one of them down, ripping his limbs from his body from the anger that boiled inside me. His blood splattered all over the ground like he was for some ritual, not to mention how covered my body was with it. When I snapped my eyes on the second, his eyes were wide as saucers, and I could smell the fear he had. I hadn’t even made a move when he darted into the woods out of fear and away from me. Good, he too would have wound up dead like his partner because I had no patience to dance with either of them. “It’s time to head back home, Len,” My wolf suggested, and I agreed. It took us a good while before we did and by then I suspected that the party had ended, so I decided to head for home first to get myself cleaned up before making my way to June’s room at the pack house where she stayed with her family. “You’re the Alpha King now, you have to act like it.” Thorne reminded me like he knew what I was thinking about, whereas he actually did. He only voiced out my thoughts, and I was glad that we were on the same page. It was time to prove to my father that I was indeed the better choice if not for my bloodline. It was time to show Weston that this was one of the things he could not take from me, and I was determined to. I felt adrenaline rush through me at the thought of achieving the things he couldn’t possibly imagine and enjoying the expression on his face that I knew was going to be priceless when the time came. But even in the midst of those thoughts, there was an unsettling feeling in my chest. “Don’t go home…” a voice told me. A voice different from Thorne’s and I wondered if I had told myself that. “Turn around and head for the lake, son.” It said again and this time, my heart actually skipped a beat from how chilling that was. What the hell was that? I thought to myself, but I continued to walk regardless. Maybe it was fear of having to face my father after what had happened this evening. Maybe it was because I knew that June would be so disappointed and heartbroken from what I had done. When I made it closer to the house, the voice rang once again in my head, only increasing my worry. Why did it insist I stay away from home? Was something wrong? Was my mother safe? These questions ran in my mind, only making my steps faster by a fraction. I couldn’t afford for something to happen to anyone at this time. I began to run when the walk seemed like it was only slowing me down. The forewarning feeling increased the closer I got to the house. I was still in my human form, forgetting for a moment that I could have shifted into my wolf if I wanted to get home sooner. I pushed the door violently, almost to the point it nearly came off its hinges. The house was quiet, void of even the maids and the guards, which was unusual. “Where is…..?” I started to ask where everyone was, but my words came to an abrupt stop mid-sentence at the scene in front of me. Blood, death, and more blood. It was splattered everywhere in the living room. On the floor were the bodies of my father and his Luna. They had been murdered in the most gruesome way and were left to swim in the pool of blood that gathered around them. “No, no….” my mouth was finally able to say. Who could have done such a thing to them? But I should have known. I should have listened to that voice. I should have stayed f*****g far away from home, not just because I could have stopped their deaths, but to stop mine. I couldn’t even move if I wanted to because my body lost all forms of strength right there and then. “Lennox, what did you do?” Came a voice from behind me asking.
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