Found and pardoned

2110 Words
LENNOX I had just gotten off the phone with June’s parents, a smile plastered on my face and an eagerness to witness the expression on her face when I informed her about it surged through my body. I took a moment to enjoy the little plan I had going on in my head before realizing that Jaxon was looking at me like I had just lost my mind. “What?” I snapped at the man in front of me, who raised a brow regardless. I reached for the file he had dropped earlier casually as I thought about whether telling June about her parents coming over was something to be known now or later. I flipped the file open, deciding maybe later was a better time to let her know, and I took a quick glance at the new lead Jaxon had dug up concerning the death of my father and what could have really happened then. All the evidence I can find… I thought relieved that now we had something to work on after years of searching. “Alpha!” I heard the voice before I saw the person calling out for me appear. I hadn't even fully grasped what was on the paper I had read a line or two about as I perked up in my seat at the sound of Maria’s voice. When she appeared, I saw a worried expression on her face. “Alpha, we have a problem…” Not an attack, anything but an attack right now. I inwardly prayed and thankfully it was not so. “June is missing,” what? “I left her in the living room after tending to her wounds, and now she’s gone. She’s not in her room either.” Maria spoke in one breath, much to my satisfaction. I didn’t think I was going to have the patience to hear anything she had to say if she had been any slower. June gone? I wondered, feeling anger boil in my chest and begin to rise. The nerve of her to think she can escape me. Wasn’t this just a little pain she had to endure? My hands clenched into a fist, and I felt my wolf push forward. Not because he was as mad as I was, but because she was his f*****g mate, and he was worried about her. Either way, we both had to look for her. I couldn’t have her ruin my plans before I even got to set them in motion. My eyes shifted from Maria to Jaxon, he flinched, taking a step back possibly from the death stare I had and the anger radiating off me. “I want her found, and I want her f*****g locked up…” I spoke surprisingly calmly like I didn’t have her life hanging by a thread in my hands. Jaxon nodded and took off. “Right away, Alpha…” when he disappeared, before I left my office I paused in front of Maria, my chest breathing hard. I’ll deal with her later. Was the look I gave to her before leaving in search of my stupid f*****g mate. There were two lessons to be taught once she was found. One was hers and the other was Maria’s. June’s was to teach her that there was no f*****g escape for her now or ever – assuming I had found her, and I was going to do it so. Maria’s was to teach her the art of common sense. Where the f**k did she think it was okay for her to leave June by herself knowing the woman was supposed to stay f*****g locked up? Thinking about this stupid act alone seemed to know how to get my blood boiling over. I stomped my way out of the house, also joining in the search for June, knowing that Jaxon was going to get our top enforcers to join in the search as well. “I don’t think she went far. Cover all grounds and leave nothing unturned. I want her found and brought to me….” I growled through the Enforcers’ mind link. “Yes Alpha….” The echoes came from every man, part of the search. We searched for what seemed like forever but to no avail. Each second, minute, had my irritation building by the second. Where the f**k is she even? I was angered by the fact that we still hadn’t found one petite woman who I was sure didn’t have the energy to run full hours just to leave my pack and through the borders. Where could she possibly be hiding? “Maybe if she was marked….” Jaxon read my thoughts and let himself into my mind because I f*****g let my walls down in case anyone saw her. I shook my head like he was right next to me and that he could see in disgust. “f**k no. I’d rather eat horse s**t than have anything to do with her…” And I meant it, despite the advantage of having marked her would have given me. If she was mine, I would have found her sooner. Heck, I would have known what she was planning even before she left the house. I didn’t have to do this or care that she was missing. I knew she wasn't going to survive out in the wild past these borders on her own, and I wouldn’t have batted an eyelid if she wasn’t an important piece in my plan. It wasn’t just about taking down my brother Weston, it was also to make her father pay for killing my mother. The f*****g old man needed to pay for taking the only support system I had then. Thinking about it won’t change anything right now, Lennox. Find her first. I told myself, the pain of my past fueled my determination to find her, to make her and everyone else feel my pain and wrath. I had my men search for hours non-stop until I caught her scent by the eastern border. And that was only because my wolf insisted on taking control from me. “I can find her if you f*****g give me control. She’s my mate and I can sense her…” and sure enough, not for long, he found her. In a corner behind a giant tree was June, curled up into a ball. Her bruised wrists were bandaged, and she put them together as though she was saying a prayer. s**t. My heart clenched painfully in my chest at the sight of her like this. If only I cared about her. If only I loved her. But this had to be because of my wolf. He was the reason I was feeling this emotion. And this was not a good thing for me at all. It didn’t sit well with me. It’s too soon to feel this s**t. I reminded myself, forcing a memory I was haunted by to grace my mind for a second, to remind my stupid, horny and desperate wolf that she had left us. “We needed her and she left us. She rejected us…” I hissed before pushing for control when he let his guard down. If I had let him, he would have had her in his arms in a second and that was not something I wanted at the very least. “You can’t keep her from me. Let me make sure that she’s okay…” he pleaded, but I was not having it. My hands were his, no way was I going to touch her in the way that he wanted. “Over here, Jaxon. I’ve found her.” I told my Beta through the link immediately. When we got close to her, she woke after pretending as though she hadn’t sensed use around her. You thought you could run from me little bunny. I thought crouching to her level. She had this look in her eyes that told me that she never expected to be found. Or was it something else? I grabbed hold of her chin with my hand and forced her eyes on me. I wanted to see every emotion she had in her eyes. For a second, a thought crossed my mind, telling me that there might be more to everything than I thought. Especially after I informed her that her parents were coming over. June’s eyes widened in shock at where relief should have been. Fear struck her right in front of me, confusing me a little, so much so my brows knitted, but I kept my expression stoic. That reaction told me that there was more to what I knew about her. Shouldn’t she have been relieved that the parents she reported me to were coming? Not that they were going to be able to save her from me or what was coming, but still. A few minutes with them would have been what I thought she would want. “And once they leave, you and I are going to talk about your audacity to mind link them into coming over…” She had to know that she was going to get punished for a lot of things. First for leaving, and the next for daring to tell her parents about what happened. But then the fear that filled her eyes was like a gush of wind that nearly knocked me out. Did she think she was going to get away with it? Jaxon pulled her up to stand, and she looked like she was about to drop on her knees, but he held her close. A little too close and I didn’t like it. I meant my wolf. He didn’t like it at all. I spun on my heels and walked off, leaving them behind, but I could hear Jaxon speaking to her. I didn’t hear what, but her answer, I did. The urge to know what they were talking about took over me and I turned to find her in his arms and he, carrying her like she was his to. I scowled at him before turning back around to continue my walk. When we got back to the house, it took everything in me not to punish her. Jaxon had disappeared with her for the second time today, he was testing my patience with that kindness s**t. When I couldn’t take it anymore, the need to have her in pain overwhelmed me. I marched up to her room. “You shouldn’t have run away…” I heard Jaxon tell her like she was some f*****g child he was trying to talk some sense into. At least he knows that she was wrong. I didn’t wait for her to speak or answer, I barged into the room to find Maria tending to her like she was royalty. My nose flared. “Both of you, out.” I said curtly and, without question, Jaxon followed his sister out of the room, leaving me with this insolent woman. June shook where she was, and her eyes watered. I wanted to rain hell on her, and I was going to if not for Jaxon’s voice in my head. “Take it easy on her Alpha. Her father is going to come soon.” Might just be your lucky day. I stiffened in my spot, cursing Jaxon in my mind for reminding me of their coming. By now, June was a f*****g mess. I took a deep breath before taking a step back away from her. I saw relief run through her, and she gasped in a breath. “Get cleaned up. Your parents will be here tomorrow evening.” I informed her, hating myself for running my eyes up and down her body and still acknowledging that she was beautiful. Fuck my life. I returned to my office and plopped on my chair. I was all sweaty from all the heat and anger coursing through my veins and my mind was invaded by a certain stubborn woman. She could have gotten attacked or worse killed. My mind worried over her. I forced my eyes down to the file I had once held in my hands and decided I was better off working and looking for where I needed to hit Weston first than thinking about her. When I scanned through the document, my brows rose and so did my heart beat. “Well I’ll be damned…” I muttered under my breath, staring at the paper. It might have taken me five years, but I was finally able to find the rogue that survived that night. He can tell me what happened to the body.
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