He Wants to Know

2059 Words

JUNE My skin throbbed as if it had been given a new heartbeat. The pain was unbearable, but I didn’t dare show it. Not to Jaxon and definitely not to Alpha Axel. I knew he wasn’t going to care about me, or what happened – what was I thinking, giving myself the hope that he was going to press the truth out of me? – he didn’t care. I was fine, he had said with the most disinterested expression I had ever seen him have. Of course, he doesn’t care. I bet if I dropped dead now, he would hold a feast to celebrate. I stared quietly, too afraid to breathe, much less move as he spoke to Jaxon. He dismissed them soon after, leaving only he and I in the enclosed space that was my room. The way he stared at me scared me. It was not an expression I recognized, and I couldn’t tell if he was mad

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