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Grayson  She just took off. I put my guitar down and started to chase after her. She’s already down the block before she finally stops, I don’t think she even heard me calling after her.  I catch up to her, she is catching her breath, I place my hand on her shoulder, making her jump.  “It’s just me” I say  “I’m sorry. I can’t.. I couldn’t.. Nothing came out” She sighs as she sits down on the curb. “You were able to sing in front of Hanna, what if you just imagined just her in the room.. Just the two of you? Or maybe you can try singing for me?” I suggest, hoping at least to hear her voice once today.  “I don’t know Grayson.. It’s different with Hanna.. there’s no expectations with her. I just sing and don’t need to think about it”  “I don’t want you to think that I have any expectations of you either… I want you to feel comfortable around me” I sit beside her and she rests her head on my shoulder.  “I do…” She whispers softly.  We sit for a few minutes, her breathing becomes staggered.  “There’s a song that’s inside of my soul… it’s the one that I’ve tried to write over and over again.  I’m awake in the infinite cold… but you sing to me over and over again” She sings, trailing off at the end of the first verse. I can feel how much courage it took for her to sing for me. I can hear her sniffling beside me.  I wrap my arms around her and hold her close to my body.  “That was beautiful Theo. Thank you... “ She pushes her head deeper into my chest.  After a while she has calmed down, “Are you ready to try again?” I ask hopeful  “I think so…” We get up and slowly walk back, she is holding onto my arm with her head against me still.  “About time you guys came back. What the hell was that Theo?” Patrick asks harshly, stepping towards Theo. I quickly step in front of her.  “Let it go man. Let’s move on” I warn “What, are you her boyfriend? Coming to her defense? If she can’t sing she has no business being here. It’s either her or me. Take your pick” He snaps at us.  Theo looks around at everyone, obviously worried we will pick Patrick.  “Theo” Trevor says clearly.  “You’re kidding me right now…” Patrick says shocked. “Not at all.” I say  “One more incident and I’m gone..” He backs down pretty quickly. He gives Theo a look before turning his back on us.  “Okay Theo.. just like earlier.. Just focus on me” I say as I pick up my guitar once more.  Hanna gives Theo a strange look before Trevor does the count down once more.  Theo is looking at me intently, she starts to sing, not talking her eyes off of me. She sounds beautiful. She really puts her heart and soul into her singing, it’s mesmerizing to listen to. We stare into each other's eyes the entire song, even once it’s done and Hanna is jumping at Theo. I am the first to break the connection when Trevor blocks my view of her.  “That was great.. Better than I thought it would be”  “She’s really good..” Patrick speaks up, his head hanging low.  “If that’s your way of apologizing, it’s aimed at the wrong person” I say flatly.  He simply nods and walks sheepishly over to Theo.  “I’m sorry about before” He says to her, she nods in thanks.  We all kind of just stand around chatting for a while, I see Theo yawning as she sits on the couch with Hanna.  “Well, it’s getting late. We have had a long day, I got to get Theo home or my dad will kill me” I excuse us and take Theo’s hand.  “Bye Han!” She calls  “You did really well today Theo” I tell her as I drive us back home.  She smiles at me but doesn’t say anything.  I still feel like there's something behind her eyes, pain that I don’t think I can make go away, but I’m going to try my best.  I bring her bags to her room for her and say goodnight.  “Gray?” She whispers as I’m about to leave the room. She’s never called me that before, I like hearing it from her mouth. I turn towards her,  “Thank you for today” She smiles brightly at me, a smile that is rarely seen. I smile back genuinely at her, seeing her beautiful smile makes me so happy. I close the door behind me and smile like an i***t all the way to the kitchen. Dad is sitting at the table on his laptop.  “How was your day?” I ask him, he seems focused on the computer,  “It was progressive.. I think I found a permanent place for Theo.. Do you know a teacher at the school Mrs. Greten?” He turns the laptop towards me, revealing a photo of the librarian.  “That’s the librarian at school, she seemed to be very concerned about Theo when she was out sick before..”  “She’s been trying for years to get the school system to look into Theo’s home life.. She’s fallen on deaf ears, so she thought. There’s a file on her with the Children's organization that’s sponsoring Theo. They are looking into her becoming a foster parent for Theo, Mrs. Greten wants to legally adopt her if she is able… Looks like Theo will be leaving us sooner than we thought”  “Yeah..” I say, suddenly I feel immensely saddened.  “Hey at least you get your room back” He chuckles “I don’t care about that,” I say as I head up the stairs, I lay down on my cot, putting my hands behind my head for support.  I keep having the same dream, it starts out normal enough.. I am sitting by the lake with Theo, I am playing my guitar for her and she is singing. I don’t know the song, nor can I remember the words once I am awake, but in the moment it feels like the most enchanting sound I’ve ever heard. Theo is smiling, wearing a sundress with butterflies on it. Her hair is flowing in the breeze, past her shoulders. She gets up and walks over to the edge of the dock, looking back at me. She holds her hand out to me and before I can grab it she falls backwards. I run to the dock's edge and see her under the water, slowly sinking. I stare after her as she sinks, my body won’t move the way I want it to to help her. She looks calm, peaceful almost. Her hair floats all around her, like a blanket covering her as she descends. She’s not struggling, we stare at each other until she has faded and I can no longer see her. I turn away from her and walk away, that is when I wake up. Every time. I have had the same dream five times now.  I wake in the morning and head downstairs, expecting to see Theo, like every morning for the past few months. She is not there, dad is sitting at the table looking out the window.  “Where’s Theo?” I ask as I sit down  “She needed some time to think.. She went for a walk” He takes a sip of his coffee. “You told her?”  He nods, still not looking at me. “And?” I push  “And she needs some time. Let it go. She will talk to you when she is ready. Don’t push it Grayson” He sternly looks over at me finally.    “I’m going to be late for school,” I say as I head for the door.  Will Theo be in class today or is she taking the day off? I wish I knew where she was, knew she was safe at least.  At school I don’t see Theo in any of my classes, I am worried about her. After school I make a last ditch effort and go to the library, I see her sitting in a chair talking to the librarian. She is smiling and looks happy. I decide to leave her alone, I know she is at least safe now. My mind is at ease. I slowly back out of the library before I am noticed.  I’m heading back to my truck when I am surrounded by a few guys,  “Well, what do we have here?” One says as he looks me over,  “Need something?” I ask as I go to shrug past, but he steps directly in front of me, blocking  my path. “Yeah, what is the deal with you and Theo? You’ve been here six months and you have her hanging all over you. She must be a real freak in the sheets hey? That tight little body-” I swing my fist into his nose before he can finish his sentence. He tries to block me but I’m faster than him. I feel his nose break under my knuckles, the blood starts to gush out.  “f**k!” He cries out, his friend comes at me next. I grab his arm, twisting it behind him, putting him into a choke hold. After a few seconds he taps out, I toss him aside. The third just looks at me horrified, he doesn’t move.  “What is going on over here?” A man calls out, Principle Snider.  Great. This is not going to go in my favor at all. He points his fat sausage like finger at me and summons me over.  “Mr. Miller… My office… You two, get him to the nurses office” He nods to the bleeding jerk on the ground. He turns on his heels and starts walking off. I follow behind, keeping a safe distance. Once we get to his office, he motions for me to sit. I sigh as I take a seat in front of his desk.  “We have a zero tolerance for violence here Mr. Miller… What do you have to say for yourself?” He asks in a serious tone.  “Nothing Sir.” I say meeting his eyes, he wouldn’t believe me if I told him, or he wouldn’t care.  “Well… Considering this is only your first incident I’ll let you off with a three day suspension.. This is your only free pass Mr. Miller… any other fights and you will be expelled. Do I make myself clear?”  “Yes Sir. It will not happen again”  “Good to hear it.. Stay here while I call your father and let him know the situation” He picks up the phone and starts to dial, reading off the computer in front of him.  A few minutes later he tells me I’m free to go and may resume coming to school in three days time.  I will have to make up for any missed assignments, according to my teachers demands.  I get home and dad is sitting at the table waiting for me.  “So.. Care to explain why I got a call from the principle of your school informing me you’ve been suspended for three days?” He calmly asks. “I was defending someone” I say as I sit down.  “Oh? Did you tell the principle that was the case?”  “No, He wouldn’t have believed me, and he probably wouldn’t have cared either” I say looking down.  “Who was it you were defending? A younger student being bullied?” He asks  “No… They were talking about Theo… Derogatory and I didn’t like it…” I say looking up at him.  “I see.. Well I’m glad you were there to defend her honor, but maybe next time don’t beat the crap out of them okay?” He says as he stands up and goes to sit on the couch, turning the TV on.  I half expected him to be more upset that I was suspended.  I start doing my homework and a little while later Theo walks in.  “Hey Grayson.. I heard what happened… thank you” She says as she sits down next to me. “I’m sorry you were suspended because of me..” She continues..  “It’s not your fault.. They had no right to talk about you like that”  “I’m used to it.. I can help you with the assignments you will need to catch up on if you’d like” She smiles at me.  She’s used to it? She shouldn’t have to be used to it. My blood boils at the thought that she’s had to endure being spoken to like that to her face or behind her back. It makes me sick.  “Thanks Theo” I say  She nods and heads up stairs, I’m guessing to start packing for her new home.
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