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I wake up feeling drained, my body feels like a dead weight being dragged around by a string. I make my way slowly down stairs and into the kitchen.  “Ah Theo.. I was hoping I’d catch you this morning. Take a seat I have something important to talk to you about” Connor says  I hesitantly sit down at the table as he slides a cup of tea to me. I take a sip of it as him and Grayson sit down across from me.  I fidget nervously for a moment before Conner reaches over, taking my hand in his.  “It’s good news, I promise. You don’t need to be nervous” Connor says smiling brightly at me.  I feel a bit more at ease, but until I hear what he is going to say the panic will not go away.  “I’ve been in contact with some of my old military contacts, they want to help you”  “Help me? How?” I ask confused. “Well, There’s an organization that has been put together to help children in need, those who have been abused at home and need a fresh start. Kids like you. There’s been an account set up in your name, there’s going to be deposits put in until your eighteen. It’s more than enough for you to get some new clothing, and whatever else you need. Also there’s a help center specifically for counseling and any other medical help you may need. Once you turn eighteen you can apply for a grant for college if you’ve done well in school, which I see you are a smart student”  I feel shocked, I don’t know what to say, I just stare at him.  “There’s one more thing. I have petitioned to become your temporary legal guardian, until we can find somewhere more permanent and safe for you. I hope that’s okay with you….and if you want to I can help you become legally emancipated from your mother.”  I feel tears welling up in my eyes.  “Theo, are you alright?” Grayson asks from across the table. I nod slightly. Connor gets up and walks over to me, kneeling in front of me.  “Theo..?” He whispers. In the next moment I don’t know what came over me but I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He hugs me back and whispers in my ear. “We’re going to take care of you. I promise”  “Thank you.. So much” I cry  “Well we better get to school or we will be late. I can take you shopping and you can bring Hanna if you want after school?” Grayson asks as we head for the door.  “Okay that would be great” I say as I take the card from Connor, it has a small post-it attached with the pin and account information.  “Thank you  Connor” I say again as we make our way outside. Grayson helps me into his truck and we head to school.  We see Hanna near the front steps, looking lost and confused. I head over to her.  “Hey Han!” I call as I approach.  “O! I’ve been looking for you.. What are you wearing?” She looks me over, seeing that I am wearing a pair of very oversized sweatpants and matching shirt.  “Oh I umm.. I didn’t think about it. I just threw it on” I shrug and start to walk up the steps. Grayson is hanging back talking to Trevor about band stuff. I give him a small smile before continuing with Hanna.  Before we can enter the school Blair and her posse block our way.  “Well well well.. Look who came back” She smirks as she looks me over.  Then her eyes widened for a moment.  “You will regret getting in my way, mark my words Theo. I will make you pay. He should have been mine.. Not yours. Why would he be interested in you. Look at yourself, such a disgrace.. You will regret ever looking at him”  “Blair, you really need to get over yourself. Not everyone wants you… big wonder why” Hanna spits, making Blair and I both look over at her. She is usually so soft spoken. Blair steps up to Hanna and shoves her, knocking her onto her butt. “Hey! Leave her alone Blair!! This is between you and me, leave her out of this!!” I cry at her as I help Hanna back to her feet.  Blair shoves past me not saying another word, her friends make sure to shove past as well as they make their way to the parking lot.  “She’s such a b***h” Hanna whispers as she rubs her hip.  “What’s gotten into you Hanna?” I ask her calmly, she never acts like this. I’m worried.  “I’m just sick and tired of it all. I am done, I refuse to let her pick on us anymore. I’m so sick of it. I just want to be left alone.. I can't do it anymore” She sighs “Well.. how about we get your mind off it.. Grayson is taking me to the mall after school for some shopping… want to come with us?” I ask her hoping she will say yes.  She shakes her head yes as the bell rings, we make our way to class.  Grayson is sitting behind me as usual, he taps my shoulder sliding me a note. ‘Are you guys okay? I saw what happened’  ‘We are fine...Hanna is shaken up.. But I think she will be fine’ I pass it back discreetly.  Class goes by in a blur and before we know it the bell is ringing once more. Gym class is next. I can’t go into the water yet because of my arm so I sit on the bleachers and watch. Coach Abbate comes over to me after a while. “Theo.. I hope you will be back in the water soon.. Your grade depends on it. Don’t think you can use that arm as an excuse forever” She snips at me.  “Her arm is broken. There’s not much she can do about it” Grayson comes up behind Coach Abbate before I can reply.  Coach Abbate huffs before going back to the pool area.  Grayson comes over and sits next to me, I can feel the coolness of his skin on my arm. I look over at him and see the water dripping down his body. His muscles are flexing as he moves his arms around, stretching.  “You looked lonely over here by yourself” He says  “Well, not so much fun to be swimming with this” I shrug as I lift my arms slightly. The pain is almost completely gone, Connor still gives me a pain killer for the nights so I can sleep.  “Cheer up.. Soon you’ll be all healed up and good to go” He says before jumping back down from the bleachers and diving back into the pool. Coach Abbate had been glaring daggers at him until he came back to the pool.  After gym we went to the cafeteria for lunch, Grayson bought Hanna and I each a sandwich and a drink. We sit down in a corner, I can feel the eyes of people on us. Even when I try to be invisible it doesn’t work. Everyone is still whispering about me, and Grayson. He seems to ignore it so easily, I don’t get it. The bell for the end of lunch rings and people start to slowly file out. I walk aimlessly to my next class, not really paying attention. I bump into someone outside the doorway,  knocking me down.  “Oh sorry. I didn’t see you there” A hand reaches out to help me up. I look up to see Zander Falls, the school's basketball star looking down at me. I take his hand and he easily pulls me to my feet. “It was my fault. I’m sorry” I try to escape past him but he blocks my way.  “You're Theo right?” He asks looking down at me. I nod and try to pass him again.  “What’s the hurry?” He chuckles at me  “We are going to be late for class,” I say. All I want to do is get to class.  “Alright you two, you can flirt after class..” Mr. Stuart says from the doorway. Finally Zander lets me by him, I rush to my seat, trying to ignore the death glares I receive from the cheerleaders in the class. I keep my head down and do my work.  The rest of the day is so slow to pass, I feel like I’m watching a pot boil. Finally the bells rings and I fly towards the door. After putting my books away I head for the front exit, I’m meeting Grayson and Hanna out front.  I pass by Zander and his group and they all stare at me as I walk past. I quicken my pace and exit the building. I see Grayson standing by his truck talking with Trevor. Hanna comes up to me as we start to walk over to the boys.  “Hey we were just talking about having our first band practice tonight.. You guys are not busy right?” Trevor seems excited, Hanna starts to bounce on her heels.  “I’m taking the girls shopping but we can come by later” Grayson answers  “Alright, see you guys later” He heads over to his car and peels off.  “Alright ladies, let’s do some shopping” He says as he helps us into the truck.  “Why’s your truck so big Grayson?” Hanna asks in an annoyed tone. “I never really thought about it.. I guess I just like big trucks…” He shrugs  “Are you sure you're not over compensating for something?” She asks innocently.  “HANNA!!” I cry out, begging her to shut up.  “I’m quite sure that I’m just fine in that department Hanna…” Grayson chuckles before driving off towards the mall.  "If you say so.." She chuckles. I feel so embarrassed,  I don’t even want to look at her. The rest of the ride is silent, awkwardly.  I feel a wave of relief wash over me when Grayson parks. I jump out quicker than I’ve ever moved in my life. Hanna is right behind me, I pull her to the side before Grayson gets out.  “What the hell was that all about?” I snap at her.  She just smiles and shrugs at me, skipping away. I sigh and start walking after her, Grayson comes up to me  “You alright?” I nod at him.  We go to a few stores, I am hesitant to use the card but Grayson assures me it’s fine. I still have reservations about it but I do buy a few things, the essentials. Since all my clothes were burned I needed pants, shirts, underwear and shoes.  We are currently in a store specializing in bath products when Hanna comes up beside me,  “So… how long have you two been a thing?” She wiggles her eyebrows at me.  Grayson is waiting patiently outside the store on a bench, he has a big pile of bags that he has been carrying for us.  “We aren’t” I start to say  “Well I see the way he looks at you, you can’t deny there's something there, if your not ready to admit it yet you know you at least feel it”  I do know exactly what she’s talking about, but she’s right. I don’t want to admit it… not yet. I look over at Grayson waiting outside and see him looking at us. He gives me a small wave, making me blush.  Hanna buys her stuff and we walk out, Grayson quickly stands taking my bag from me, he gathers the rest of the bags and we start down the massive hallways once more.  “I’m pretty tired, I think I got everything I need anyways.. Are you finished?” I ask Hanna  “Yeah I guess so. Plus I’m starving, let’s go” We head to the truck, Grayson throws the bags in the back.  “You girls want to hit up some food on the way to band practice?” He asks.  Ugh, I totally forgot about that. I didn’t even want to join the band, but Hanna was so excited. I guess I need to get over my fear eventually.. Might as well start now.  I’ve only sang for Hanna over the last six years, or if I was alone.. But not in front of anyone else…  Time to face the music. Literally.  “Alright, let’s go” I say as we get into the truck.  We stop by Wendy’s on the way to Hanna’s house. Trevor and Patrick, the other guitar player, are waiting for us.  “About time you showed up. Alright let’s get started. We are starting with ‘Fix You’.. I hope everyone has practiced and is ready” Trevor seems a bit on edge and impatient.  Everyone gets to their instruments and gets warmed up. I feel so uneasy and I’m afraid my voice is not going to come to me.  “One, two, three four” Trevor counts and everyone starts to play. Suddenly it’s my turn, I open my mouth but nothing comes out, just a small squeak. I see everyone looking at me waiting for me to sing. I panic and start to run. I can hear them calling after me but I just keep going. I stop a block away to catch my breath. I feel a hand land on my shoulder, it’s Grayson.
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