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I look around the room, all my things have been packed into six boxes. Connor and Grayson have loaded them into Grayson's truck. Looking around me, this room has become home for the last few months, now I’m leaving it behind. A knock on the open door pulls my attention, Grayson is leaning in the door frame.  “Glad to be rid of me?” I say sarcastically.  “Not at all.. I wish you could stay” He closes the distance between us, I can feel his body heat on my chest. I can feel his minty breath on my cheeks as he towers over me looking down. I feel my own body lean into him on instinct. My head is placed on his chest lightly, I feel him tense under my touch for a moment before his arms relax.  “So do I” I whisper as I tiptoe up until I’m more at his level, There’s still about three inches between our lips. Grayson doesn’t hesitate to close the space. As soon as our lips connect it’s like lightning shooting through my body. I throw my arms up over his neck to stable myself. I feel his own arms wrap around me, pulling my body into his.  His lips are soft and warm, they feel nice, they move against my own with such ease, like we have done this a thousand times before. I feel his lips part and his tongue slides across my bottom lip. I’m about to open my mouth when I hear Connor clear his throat at the door. We pull apart startled and straighten up fast.  “Well… Time to go..” Connor says awkwardly as he turns on his heel and heads for the stairs.  Grayson looks over at me with a smirk on his face, while mine goes deep red. I smile at him as he grabs my last bag and reaches his hand out to me, I take it happily.  “Oh Theo, before you go I forgot you can finally take off the wrap from your arm it should be all healed up now” Connor says  as he takes my arm, I have gotten so used to the wrap that I forgot all about it having to come off soon. “It was probably good to go a week ago but I thought a bit of extra time wouldn’t hurt” He finishes unwrapping my arm, there is no bruising or swelling anymore, it just looks kind of pale.  “How does it feel?” He asks, setting my arm down on the table, I move my wrist a few times, rotating to get the feel of it.  “Really good!” I laugh, it’s amazing that just a few months ago my arm was badly broken and heavily bruised, now looking at it I’d never have known. I look normal. All the visible markers of abuse are gone, I’m just me. I feel myself tearing up, I sniffle back the tears before they escape.  “Does it hurt?” Grayson is by my side in a second. I shake my head.  “No.. I’m just so thankful to have you both in my life.. Thankful for all you‘ve done for me. You could have easily looked past me like everyone else but you didn’t. You don’t know what that means to me”  “Oh Theo… you are family now.. Our family” Connor says as he gives me a bear hug. I laugh as he picks me up off my feet, he sets me back down and places his hands on my shoulders. ”If you need anything, let me know okay? Just because you aren’t living here anymore doesn’t mean you have to be a stranger. I want to see you hanging around whenever you want okay?”  “Oh and I expect you to keep this one out of trouble” He nods towards Grayson, smiling smugly.  “Of course” I chuckle.  “Alright, let’s go” I say as I look around the house once more, making sure I got all the important things I need.  I get into the truck with Grayson, I am finally able to get in by myself, I still struggle as I have to jump and grab onto the seat belt and yank myself up but I can do it. The first time I tried I slipped and landed on my butt, Grayson laughed way too hard. Connor is taking his own truck over because he has to do some paperwork with Mrs. Greten and take it to the Child Services office so he will be a while longer.  “Are you nervous?” Grayson asks  I nod, “But in a good way… I’m more excited” I say  A few minutes later we are pulling into the driveway of Mrs. Greten's house. Funny enough she lives six doors down from Hanna and Trevor.  “When are we doing band practice this week?” I ask   “Thursday, our first gig is Friday… it’s a house party of some kind Patrick said” Grayson answers as he gets out of the truck. I jump down from my side and help Grayson unload boxes.  “Theo. I’m so happy you are here” Mrs. Greten comes outside grabbing a box from Grayson.  “Me too Mrs. Greten.. Thank you for taking me in” I say  “Oh please, call me Emily, Theo” She motions for us to come inside.  “Your room is down the hall to the left” I follow her directions and open the door, revealing a huge spare room. It has a large bed, a full sized dresser with a long standing mirror in the corner. A large bay window on the other side of the room gives a beautiful view of the forest. The room is shades of green, making me feel like I’m laying on the forest floor looking up at all the trees.  “I hope you like the colors Theo” Mrs. Greten comes in behind Grayson and I.  “I love it!” I say almost breathlessly.  “Wonderful, I’m so pleased.. I’ll leave you to get settled in.. Grayson are you staying for dinner?”  I look at him pleading “Sure if it’s not too much trouble“ He shrugs setting down the box on the dresser “Not at all.. Excuse me.. I have some forms to fill out with your father”  “So.. about earlier.. I hope I didn’t over step.. If it’s not what you want I understand” Grayson closes the door after Emily leaves. I sit down on the edge of the bed, he comes over to me, standing in between my legs.  “I don’t want it to not happen again...” I bite my lip as I look  at him, the kiss was really good. I can’t deny that. “I don’t want to be afraid of it anymore… but I am a little scared,” I tell him. “It’s okay.. I promise I will never hurt you Theo. I just want you to be happy.. and being with you would make me extremely happy.” He reaches out taking a strand of my hair in his fingers. My heart skips a beat or two. “We should get the rest of the boxes” I whisper. My hair falls back in place as he takes a step away from me.   We walk through the house in silence, grabbing the last few boxes from the truck.  “Thanks for the help” I say as we set them down.  “Do you want help unpacking?”  “No that’s okay thank you though”  We head into the kitchen and find Connor saying his goodbyes to Emily, he turns to me.  “Well kiddo...This is it. Don’t forget to call and visit okay?”  He ruffles my hair slightly before giving me a kiss on the top of my head as he passes by me.  “See you at home Gray”  “Well what do we want for dinner?” Emily asks, rubbing her hands together.  “I’m not really picky...” I say  “How about pizza?” Emily asks  “Theo’s lactose intolerant” Grayson says without skipping a beat. I give him a surprised look.. I didn’t think he would remember that. He just smiles at me, like he’s in on a secret.  “Oh of course.. I knew that.. I’m sorry I’m a bit nervous” She laughs awkwardly fixing her glasses.  “It’s okay. I will eat basically anything” I smile at her  “How about I go pick up some chicken?” She asks hopeful “That sounds great!”  She grabs her purse and heads out the front door.  I turn to Grayson.  “Music?” I ask trying to make it feel less awkward.  “Sure” He nods following me back to my room.  Grayson gave me a stereo as a parting gift, I sit on the bed as he sets it up for me. Ten minutes later we are both laying on the bed listening to our set list for the upcoming party. I still need to get the words down for one song but the rest of them are carved into my brain. Trevor wanted to throw in one last song last minute for all of us to learn. His reasoning was that it is a sexy song that will make the crowd go wild.  I have to admit the song is sexy, especially when Grayson is laying next to me. I feel nervous being all alone in my bedroom with him. I want to kiss him again but I don’t know how to ask. I slowly inch closer to him until our faces are just inches apart. I close my eyes and push forward, hoping my lips land where I want.  I feel his warm lips press against mine once more. His hand comes up resting on my hip. His tongue swipes along my bottom lip, I open up immediately for him. His tongue slides inside my mouth, exploring every inch of my mouth. I moan against his touch, hoping he didn’t hear it. His grip on my hip tightens and he pulls me closer to him. Suddenly he is on top of me, his hand slides under my neck lifting me towards him more. His other hand is on my lower back supporting me further.  My body reacts to him all on it’s own, I feel like I’m looking down at us. My hands glide up his arms and onto his back. I feel myself getting wetter by the second.  His muscles moving under my hands makes me feel like I’m going to faint any second. Eventually I break the kiss as I am dangerously low on oxygen.  Grayson gently sets me back down on the bed rolling over onto his back. I lay there panting for air while his breathing is heavy but even.  “We still need a band name,” I say suddenly.  “Oh yeah. I didn’t even think about that…” Grayson sits up on the bed, leaning on his arms, the muscles flex under his weight. I have to force myself to look away or I may just kiss him again. As if he can tell what I’m thinking he gets up and starts to pace around the room. The change of scenery is not helping me to relax, now all I can focus on is his butt as he walks, the way his back shifts as he moves his arms from side to side.  “I’m back!” I can hear Emily call from the entrance of the house. I shoot up to my feet and bolt from the room, Grayson behind me.   We eat dinner and then it’s time for Grayson to go home. I don’t want him to leave, not yet.  “Emily… I was wondering if it would be okay for Grayson to stay a little while longer? Just until I fall asleep.. I’m just nervous about sleeping in a new place…” I tell her honestly.  She looks at us for a long moment before answering, “Alright, just one night.. You can stay.. But no funny business okay? And you’ll keep your bedroom door open please” Her eyes are on Grayson now, very pointed.  “Yes Ma’am” He says sweetly.  “Alright, you should call your father and ask him if it’s alright as well”  “Of course” He takes out his phone and dials.  A minute later he is handing his phone to me, “Dad wants to talk to you” I take the phone from him.  “Hey Connor” I answer  “Hey Theo, are you alright?”  “I’m fine, just really nervous and I’d just feel a lot better if I had a familiar face for the first night.. I know it sounds silly... But I just feel uneasy” I sigh  “It’s okay, I get it. Grayson can stay tonight. No funny business though Theo. I mean it.” I hand the phone back to Grayson with a deep blush on my cheeks.  “I’m going to go shower” I say as I grab my bathroom stuff.  “I’ll be here” Grayson says as he plops down on my bed once more.  I walk to the bathroom quickly locking the door behind me. I feel my heart racing. It makes me feel sick. Why did I ask him to stay? I’m a big girl, I can handle myself, but something feels off in my gut. I shower taking my time, using my vanilla body wash and body lotion afterwards. Putting on my cami and shorts pj set I look in the mirror, I look more filled out then before. I have been eating normally for months now so I am a lot more proportional. I braid my hair down my back and brush my teeth before going back to the bedroom.
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