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Grayson Some snotty girl threw a smoothie on Theo at lunch, she looked so crushed as she ran out of the cafeteria. I followed her, she disappeared into the girls room. I took a chance and went in after her. She was standing with her bruised back to me, with just a lace bra on, I cleared my throat at her. She spun around covering herself with her arms. I saw just enough to see she looks even better out of that school swimsuit than I could have ever imagined.  “What are you doing ?” She asked in shock.  I didn’t say a word, just took off my jacket and then my hoodie, I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head, handing it to her. She takes it and stares at me as I put my hoodie back on zipping it up and then my jacket. I smiled at her and walked out of the bathroom. I want to find out what the hell is going on.  I go to the smokers pit, that’s where all the viable information is, all the stoners, loners, punks and goths hang out there. It’s the same at every school. I walk up to a tall guy with a drum stick in his back pocket. He is my target.  “Hey man, what’s good?” I say as I approach him “Hey, your the new guy” He says back  “Yep. What’s the deal with the girls in this school?” I ask  ‘Most of them are cows” He says  “Do you know Theo? Long black hair, green eyes. Junior ?” I ask, straight to the point “She’s my sisters best friend” He eyes me suspiciously  Perfect, I have found just the right person.  “What’s her deal?” I ask  “Listen man, Theo is a good kid. I’m not comfortable letting you in on her life story. I don’t even know you”   “Hey man, I don’t mean her any harm. I’m just curious, I have homeroom with her and gym. I’m just curious as to how she got all those bruises.” I shrug  This strikes something and he grabs my arm, pulling me to the side.  “Listen. Don’t get into it. Mind your own business. I mean it. She has been through some real s**t. Leave her alone” He warns me  So he is playing the protective brother role here. There must be something serious at hand.  Out of the corner of my eyes I see her heading towards the forest.  “Got it , Sorry man” I say as I step back, my hands up in defeat. He nods once and goes back to the pit. I make my way across the field and into the forest, keeping a safe distance from her.  I follow her to a creek, where she sits down on a rock, she has earbuds in. She is quiet for a while but then I hear her start to sing. She’s singing ‘Kiss me’ by ‘Sixpence None The Richer’ and I dare say she sounds better than the original. She has an amazing voice.  I lean against a tree and listen to her, she doesn't notice me. She suddenly rips her earbuds out and shoves them into her pocket, staring at the creek ahead of her. I slowly back away and walk back to the school.  I go to get my bag from my locker, a girl comes up to me, she looks like she is trying way too hard.  “Hi. I’m Blair, I was wondering if you wanted to come watch my cheer practice after school?” She peeps, she is the same girl who threw the smoothie at Theo at lunch time.  “Why would I do that?” I ask, making sure she knows I couldn’t be more uninterested.  “Well. I’m the cheer squad Captain.” She says as she flips her hair. This girl clearly likes attention.  “Your point being?” I say as I take my bag out and slam the door shut, I start to walk away before she speaks again “But I’m the cheer Captain!” She pouts, stomping her foot down as she throws a fit.  I ignore her and walk down the hall, going to the front entrance, making my way outside until I get to the parking lot. I see the same kid I talked to earlier, he waves at me. I walk over to him  “Hey man” I say as I get near him  “Hey dude. Sorry about earlier, I just have to keep an eye on Theo.. She’s like a little sister. I heard about what you did in gym today for her. Thanks. I’m Trevor by the way” He holds his hand out, I shake it “Grayson” I say  “So do you play?” I ask, nodding to the drum stick still sticking out of his pocket. “Yeah, I’ve been playing for about ten years, what about you?”  “Guitar, mostly electric and bass but a bit of acoustic too” I shrug. I haven’t played in about 2 years, not since my mom died, but I still have all my guitars.  “Oh nice.. I’m actually looking into starting a band if your interested” He offers  “Oh how many people have you got so far?” I am interested. “Me.. and you? I am hoping to have a singer if she will agree to it.. But it’s not looking good” He sighs  “Well count me in. I need to start playing again”  “Sweet” We exchange numbers before I get into my truck and drive back home.  Dad is unpacking in the living room when I walk in  “Hey Gray, how was school?”  “This school is f****d” I say  “Language” He sternly scolds me  “Sorry.. It’s just.. The teachers don’t care about the students at all.. In gym class the teacher almost drowned a girl who can’t swim. She didn’t even bat an eye at her when she went under the water. I pulled her out in time but man.. She was scared” I sigh as I think back to the incident.  “Well good thing you were there.. As for the teachers.. I'm sure they wouldn't have let anyone drown, do you want me to go talk to them?”  I shake my head. I can take care of it myself.  “Anything else happen?” He asks  “Oh I joined a band with another kid at school. He plays the drums”  “That’s great Gray. Mom would have wanted you to play again” He smiles at me  “I’m going to order in tonight, nothing is unpacked in the kitchen yet”  “Alright. I have a bit of homework to do. I’ll be in my room” I say as I head up to my bedroom.  I have twelve chapters to read before morning on ‘To kill a mockingbird’ I lay on my bed and start to read. About six chapters in, I decided to take a break. I go downstairs and eat with dad before showering and going back to my room. I open my window and see the sun is setting. I climb out and go to the roof.  I watch it for a few minutes before my attention is pulled down the road. Someone else is on their own roof. They are the same person I saw the other night when I was walking around the neighborhood, and last night when I was watching the stars when I couldn’t sleep. I wonder who they are.  I go back into my room, looking at my guitars, I pick up my bass and play a few melodies. My dad comes to the door and listens  “Little bit rusty, but I’m sure it will come back to you in no time. It’s past 11, you should get some  sleep”  I wake up in the morning feeling tired, I take a hot shower to try and wake up more. I’m running late, I pull my jeans on and a grey t-shirt with my jacket. I run out of the house and into my truck, on the way to school I see a familiar face walking. I slow down and roll the window down,  “Morning Theo” I call out, making her jump. “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.. Do you want a ride?” “Oh hi Grayson.. No I’m okay. Thank you” She says as she quickens her speed, I watch her cross over and walk into the forest. I drive to school and park near the forested area, waiting for her.  About ten minutes later I see her coming out, she goes straight to the library. I am about to follow her when the bell rings. I reluctantly make my way to class, at least I will see her in most of my classes.  I sit down in my seat behind hers, she is not here yet. Just as the second bell rings she enters the classroom “You’re late Theo” Mr. Clarke growls at her. “Sorry” She says as she slides into her seat.  “Don’t let it happen again” He says as he turns his back on her.  I tap her shoulder, making her jump once more. She turns slightly to look at me. I am aware I have eyes on me from all over the room, all the girls keep staring at me. It’s like this at every new school I go to. I’m the bad boy who is exciting and dangerous.  ‘Are you okay?” I whisper to her, she just gives me a weak nod and turns forward in her seat again.  She looks tired, but I guess I shouldn't be talking, I feel as bad as she looks.  I try to focus on the assignment but I’m having a hard time, soon the bell finally rings and I head out, following Theo. We have math next, in this class I sit beside her rather than behind. I have a better view of her, I watch her intently throughout class.  After what felt like an eternity of math, the bell rings for lunch. Theo bolts to the door, I try to follow her but there are too many people in the hallways. She is so small, she swerves in and out of the people, me being almost twice her size have a hard time moving at all. Everyone seems to be crowding me, I have girls all over my arms, all talking over each other.  “Ladies, please. I have somewhere I need to be” I pry my arms free from them. I make my way outside and immediately get flagged down, at least it’s not a girl this time. It’s Trevor.  “Hey Grayson.. Come have lunch with us” He waves me over to his little group. I walk over casually and sit next to him leaning on the hood of a car.  “So how do you like our school so far?” He takes a massive bite of his sandwich as he talks with his mouth full. “It’s alright I guess..”  “Where were you going to school before?”  “All over the place. I’m an army brat. My dad has been stationed all over the US.” I shrug  “Oh, that must have sucked.. What’s your mom do?”   “Nothing, she died two years ago.. Cancer… my dad retired after that and now here we are”  “Oh man. I’m real sorry”  Trevor gives me a knowing look before saying “My dad died when I was four” He offers as a condolence.  “It’s all good, listen have you seen Theo? I wanted to ask her about starting her swimming lessons after school”  “She’s probably in the library, or near the forest line.. She spends a lot of time in the woods”  “Thanks, I’ll catch you later” I say and walk towards the library.  I get stopped by the girl from yesterday, the cheer captain.  “So, Listen. I get that we got off on the wrong foot yesterday.. But there’s a party tonight and I was hoping you’d take me” She is wearing her cheer uniform today, most likely trying to impress me. It’s not working.  “Listen Linda, is it? I am not impressed by this whole thing you're trying to do. I am not interested in bimbos. I like girls with something going on up here” I point to my head. She just looks at me with her mouth hanging open “ You are not a nice girl, I can tell that just from what I’ve seen you do to Theo in the last day. You are not today or any other day my type and this little fantasy you have of hooking up with the new bad boy in school, is getting shattered right now. So back off.” I brush past her. She is still standing there in shock.  Her friends come up to her and start to console her,  “He’s such a jerk!” One of them says  “No matter how hot he is, he is crazy not to go for you Blair. Forget about him” The other says   Finally I make it to the library, it’s very quiet and has an instant calming effect on me.  “Hello dear. Looking for something particular?” An elderly woman says.  “I’m actually looking for a.... Friend.. Theo?” I say quietly.  I can hear a book thump to the floor from a few rows in, I smile at the lady and walk towards the noise. I see Theo trying to climb the stacks to get a book, she has knocked over a few books in the process. She has climbed up three shelves already. Is there no ladders she could be using, she might get hurt. I watch her for a moment, her body pressed tightly against the shelves, her breasts squeezing out the top of her shirt. Her big round butt pushed outwards as she takes another step on the shelf.  “Need some help?” I ask, her foot slips as she turns to me and she starts to fall. I reach out and catch her easily. She is extremely light. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by that, she is really short, maybe 5’2” where as I am 6’1” “You scared me Grayson.. What are you doing in here?” She looks around  “Well isn't the library free to all students? Which book are you trying to get down?” I set her back on her feet.  “Oh I didn’t mean it like that.. I just meant.. You’re not the library going kind of looking guy” She points to the book she wants and I pull it out, handing it to her. It’s a book about learning to swim...I’m no expert but I’m sure a book can’t teach you to swim.  Before I can respond, I hear a squeak from behind me, her friend Hanna is staring at us.  “Details now!” She cries out in a hushed tone.  “There is nothing to tell Han.” She looks over at me “Right Grayson?”  “Well.. actually I wanted to talk to you” I say as I make my way over to the table that has her stuff. I lean against it and wait for her to come over.  She sits down in her seat and stares at me, Hanna is bouncing on the balls of her feet, waiting for something to happen.  “What did you want to talk about?” She asks me with a sigh. I get the feeling she doesn't really like me being around her. Maybe it’s because of the girls who have been giving her a hard time. “Swimming, after school. If we are going to get you swimming by the end of the semester, we need to start practicing right away… Meet me in the pool after school okay?” I don’t wait for her to respond, I walk out of the library.
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