1970 Words
It’s been three days since the incident with my mother and Tony.  Grayson’s suspension is over and he is allowed back at school, he only has a few assignments to catch up on. I think Mr. Clarke made up extra work from him to do. We have our first gig tonight at Austin Mayers house, he is a senior and Patrick had made a deal with him to get the gig in the first place. I just finished math class and I’m walking to the locker room, I have no excuses for not being in the water anymore. I have to swim, and I am trying my very best to learn. Grayson is a great teacher and all but I just don’t seem to be getting it.  I quickly change into my swimsuit and head to the pool, everyone is in the water already.  “Alright Theo. Get in the water, you have 2 weeks before the term ends, will it be a pass or fail?” Coach Abbate screams from across the arena. I am so looking forward to after Christmas when we work on volleyball instead of swimming.  “You can do this!” I chant to myself as I meet Grayson by the shallow entrance.  “Ready?” He asks as we glide into the water, I nod and take a deep breath.  We move into deeper water and start to tread, I am finally able to get my limbs to move in sync with each other. We stay in this depth and focus on doing the breaststroke, Grayson stands in front of me holding my shoulders in place as I practice. After a while we move onto the backstroke. I find this one easier as I don’t have to focus on coming up for air every few seconds.  The bell rings and we head for the pool exit.  Someone grabs me and thrusts me under the water. I have no time to react, I go under filling my lungs with chlorinated water. My first reaction is to panic and struggle, but remembering the lessons with Grayson I had at the beginning of my training I know I need to stay calm. I reach up and grab at the hands holding me down. There are long nails attached to the fingers, so I know it’s a woman.  I can hear shouting above the water but I can’t make out what is being said or who is speaking. I feel my body start to panic instinctively, no air. I claw at the hands holding me down, their grip is in my hair and pressed to my skull. Finally I am released. My body launches forward into the open air. I cough up the bleachy water from my poor lungs. Grayson is screaming at someone now.  “What the hell is wrong with you!?” He pushes me behind him protectively.  “I slipped.. Sorry” Blair says sickly.  “You slipped… ohh you slipped. That makes it okay to try and drown someone then. She slipped!” Grayson shouts to everyone left in the pool area.  “You stay the hell away from Theo, I mean it!” He snarls at her.  “Oh yeah? Or what? What are you going to do about it?” She steps up to Grayson, placing her finger on his chest, sliding it down his torso. He grabs her hand and squeezes it tightly.  “Oh sweetie, trust me.. You don’t want to find out” He snaps as he shoves me towards the exit of the pool.  You don’t have to tell me twice. I’m getting the hell out of the pool as fast as I can.  “Are you okay?” He cups my face in his hands and looks into my eyes.  I nod and smile, “I didn’t panic. I thought I would but I didn’t. I stayed calm, just like you told me” I say  He chuckles and kisses my forehead “You did great babe”  We find Hanna sitting by a tree just outside the cafeteria, I rush over to her.  “Han! I want to go shopping after school for tonight, wanna join me?” I ask as I sit down next to her.  “Ohh! Shopping trip, count me in!” She claps her hands in excitement. We eat lunch and gossip about silly things.  “So, Grayson and I kissed again,” I tell her. She was so excited when I told her about the first kiss we shared. “How was it?” She leans in to hear me better.  “Amazing. It felt so warm and exciting” I giggle  “I’m so jealous!”  “What are you ladies talking about?” Zander Falls come sup behind us, making Hanna swoon.  “Wouldn't you like to know” Hanna smirks at him. “Your band is playing tonight at the party right Theo?” He looks at me  I nod, looking over at Hanna who seems to be star struck by him. She twirls a strand of her hair on her finger.  “Well I’ll be seeing you tonight then. I can’t wait” He says as he winks and disappears into the building.  “Oh. My. God!” She squeaks.  I just smile at her, she has a crush on any boy who comes near her.  “So where did you want to go?” She refocuses her attention back to me.  “The salon” I say stalely. “You’re not planning on cutting your hair are you?” She looks horrified at the thought.  “Yep. I don’t want anyone to be able to use my hair against me anymore. I want it off”  “O… That’s not… I mean... you shouldn’t let your mom ruin it for you.. You have such beautiful hair…” She looks like she’s going to start hyperventilating.  “It’s not just my mom Han….” I whisper. “Did Grayson do something? I will beat him to a pulp!” She warns, straightening up, looking around for him. “No Hanna. Grayson would never do something like that. I can’t believe you would even suggest that” I feel myself getting angry at her words.  “Sorry, but why the sudden need to do this?”  “I told you, I don’t want to give anyone the chance to make me into the victim anymore”  Before she can respond the bell rings.  “I’ll meet you after school okay?” I say as I grab my bag and start for my next class.  I finish my assignments quickly and read for the rest of the time left in my classes. I am excited to get my hair done. It’s been so long since I stepped foot into a salon.  I head out to meet Hanna and see Blair and her followers are bullying her again.  “Don’t you have anything better to do?” I snap at her as I pass by grabbing Hanna’s arm and pulling her behind me.  “Just you wait!!” Blair shouts at us as we leave her behind.  “You need to stop letting her bully you Han. Stick up for yourself, walk away. Do something.. Don’t just stand there and take it. It only gives her more power” I whisper to her.  “I know” She says dully.  I see Grayson and walk over to him, giving him a hug and he kisses me softly.  “How was the rest of your day?” He asks.  “Better now..” I smile and lean in for another kiss, which he happily gives me.  “Can you take us to the mall? We want to do some shopping for tonight” I give him another hug to try and convince him to do what I want.  “ ‘Course, jump in ladies”  Half an hour later I am sitting in the chair.  “What are we doing today beautiful?” The hairdresser asks me. He is tall and thin, he gives off some major hippy vibes to me. His long hair is a shade of blue that makes his skin look so pale and his eyes pop out of his skull.  “Cutting it off!” I say nervously.  “Okay, let’s start with a few inches and see how you like it”  I watch as the hair falls, “Shorter” I say once he’s finished.  This goes on until my hair is at my shoulders, I reach my hand out and can still wrap my hand around it so I say once more “Shorter”  I can see the pain behind his eyes as he makes another cut. I don’t see what the big deal is, it’s just hair. It will grow back. At least for now I will have peace of mind, knowing I’m not going to be attacked and my hair used against me.  “How’s this?” He asks. He has given me a short pixie cut, it looks really cute I have to admit. I go to reach my hand in it and cannot grab anything. I smile at him and nod once. He smiles back sadly at me.  “Alright hunny.. You're all done…” He says as he places a hand on my shoulder and lowers his head for a moment, if I didn't know any better I’d say he was praying. I take one more look in the mirror and feel myself tearing up. I did love my long hair but this is just as good. No more hassling in the morning and having to brush it all out.  “Thank you.. I love it” I say as confidently as I can.  “I hope it does what you need” He says almost knowingly.  I pay and go back into the main mall and find Hanna. I come up behind her and start talking, she whips around and screams out “YOUR HAIR!!”  She looks like she may pass out.  “Yes I know Han. Calm down people are staring”  “What’s Grayson going to say?” She scolds me “I don’t really care. It’s my hair, nobody else's. Can you please just leave it alone. It’s hair Hanna, it grows back”  I start to walk towards a store, leaving Hanna gawking behind me. She runs to catch up to me,  “I mean it looks badass but like it’s just so short. I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. You’ve had such long hair your entire life.. and now.. There’s nothing left” She takes a quick glance at it once more before finally dropping the subject.  “Now, let’s find some awesome outfits to go with my new style and something fitting for our first gig!” I say as we sort through clothing racks.  I settle on a pair of leather pants and a blue tank top. I found a nice red lipstick and some cute butterfly hair clips. Hanna goes for a mini skirt and a cute tube top.  “We better call Grayson to pick us up, we need to go help set up” Hanna says when she looks at her phone.  Fifteen minutes later Grayson is pulling up to the mall. He gets out to open the door for me and stops dead when he sees me.  “You look beautiful” He says as he pulls me in for a deep hug.  “Wow, I did not expect that” Hanna mutters as she gets in the truck.  “She looks beautiful no matter what. I don’t care how long or short your hair is Theo. You look amazing” He kisses me softly as if to make this statement sink in more.  “Thank you Grayson” I say as I hug him back. “You really like it?”  “I love it”  I get into the truck and Grayson starts driving towards the party, holding my hand the entire time. Hanna is looking jealousy at us from the back. It makes me uncomfortable. I wish she would stop. I don’t want her to be jealous, I don’t want anything to change. I know that is a silly wish though, unrealistic.  We get to the party and Hanna and I go to change before helping set things up.  “You guys are so cute it’s gross” She comments once we are alone.  ‘Han… Please don’t be jealous, you know you  will always have a special place in my heart... It’s just my heart has room for one more..” I try to explain to her the best I can.  “I am not jealous of you. I’m glad you finally have a boyfriend” She says without looking at me.  I don’t know what to say to her to ease the tension. She finishes getting dressed and walks out of the room, lamming the door behind her. I feel awful about our conversation now. Did I misread things?
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