Chapter Twenty-Five

2019 Words

"It's such a nice day out," I said, looking up into the tree where I'm sure Collin was.   "It is," he agreed, from somewhere up in the tree.  Scooby was racing around the outskirts of the dog park, along with a Yorkie and a Chihuahua.  He was gigantic compared to them, but they didn't seem to mind. Collin climbed down from the tree, hopping down onto the picnic table.  He sat down on the table, letting his feet dangle off onto the bench next to me.   "He's quite the goofball," Collin said, watching as Scooby raced around with the other dogs.   "You love him anyways."   "That I do." He let out a sigh, bracing his arms behind him and looking up to the sky. "It's too nice of a day to begin chemo again. Let's do that tomorrow."   I couldn't help but laugh, smiling at him. "We're on

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