Chapter 39 You Have to Always Think of Me

1268 Words

Crystal walked past the corner of the stairs and saw the girl standing next to her second brother in the living room. It was Lena. Lena was wearing a slim, green dress that accentuated her artistic bearing. Her jet-black hair was draped over her shoulders, and she wore a green hairband. She looked gentle, quiet, kind, and harmless. "Crystal, this is Lena." Kit touched his glasses and said. Crystal walked down the stairs step by step, staring at Lena with her sharp eyes. Lena seemed to feel a little uncomfortable being stared at, so she took the initiative to say, "Nice to meet you. I'm Lena, Kit's assistant. I've collected some medical information, which is useful to him, so I came here to give it to him." She was well-behaved, quiet, and polite. This was Lena. Lena could be describ

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