Chapter 5 Kiss Him

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However... Jason still said, "Okay." After a slight pause, he added, "I haven't had breakfast yet." Owen thought in his heart, "No! Mr. Edwards, you've eaten! You just want to have breakfast with Crystal, but you refuse to admit it!" Luna's eyes widened and she stomped her feet in anger. "Mr. Edwards, she's seducing you! We must chase this b***h away or there'll be endless trouble in the future!" Glancing at her coldly, Jason replied, "She's my fiancée, and she has the right to seduce me. Who do you think you are? Owen, this person can disappear!" There was no trace of emotion in Jason's domineering voice. How... how could this be? Luna's entire body trembled and her face was pale! In the blink of an eye, she was taken away without a chance to make a sound. The senior executives standing behind Jason were also quiet, not daring to breathe heavily. After withdrawing from Jason's arms, Crystal looked up at him, her clear eyes full of anticipation. "Then, shall we have breakfast now?" "Okay." After that, Jason looked at Owen and said, "Go and prepare breakfast, one Tuna Sandwich and one Minestrone Soup. Take one cup of coffee and two pieces of toast for me." Crystal was slightly stunned. Jason still remembered her favorite breakfast. Sitting in the small dining room, she had breakfast with Jason. At ten o'clock in the morning, the sun shone through the window. She found that there were some halos jumping around Jason. There was a hazy feeling on him. Although this scene was beautiful to the extreme, it was a little unreal in the eyes of Crystal. She hurriedly got up and came to Jason's side. She hugged his arm and rubbed against it. "Hmm?" Jason looked at her. "You're not full?" Crystal shook her head. Crystal was just afraid that all of this was not true and would disappear in the blink of an eye. "If you want to leave, then forget it!" Jason said coldly. Crystal was stunned. She knew that he had misunderstood her sudden gesture of goodwill and Jason thought she wanted to leave him. After she had been in the Edwards family for a month, she had done whatever she could to leave the Edwards family. She had used all kinds of methods, including drugging Jason... Therefore, it was no wonder that Jason would think so. As soon as she was about to speak, Crystal received a w******p message. [Crystal, are you ready? Scott has gone to your place! On such an occasion, you must seize the opportunity to appear by Scott's side and let everyone know that you and he are a couple. In this way, your relationship will be confirmed!] Seeing this message, a trace of hostility flashed across Crystal's pretty eyes. The person who sent the message was her best friend, Grace. Scott was her boyfriend. In her previous life, Crystal thought that she was pregnant with Scott's children and tried her best to leave Jason. Afraid of being found by Jason, Grace asked her to hide in a wooden house on the mountain and occasionally found a countryside doctor at the foot of the mountain to keep her safe. But they had never told her that she was pregnant with twins. As a result, she had a slim chance of survival when giving birth. After a narrow escape, what awaited her and her children was not hope, but to sink into the lake and despair. Thinking of the two children, a wave of pain welled up in Crystal's heart. This enmity was absolutely irreconcilable! "I'm fine with it. Just let him wait. I won't let him down!" As soon as she said this, a sneer appeared on Crystal's face. In her previous life, she had loved Scott crazily. Scott was the son of the Walker family. He was competing for the position of the company manager of the Walker family, which his uncles and cousins were also coveting. Scott's personal foundation was unstable. As for Crystal, she was the daughter of the Gilbert family and had a powerful background. If she attended today's event, everyone would think that the Gilbert family was behind Scott. In this way, he would have more supporters and his foundation would be more stable. However, in this life, she would no longer help Scott with anything. When Crystal was thinking about these things, Jason stared at her. He was stunned for a moment. Why was there a gloomy aura on Crystal's body? It was completely different from the past, but this gloomy aura disappeared quickly. He almost suspected that he had felt wrong. Was it his words that made her so resistant? However, when Crystal looked up at him, she smiled again. "I do want to participate in an event later..." As soon as she said that, she felt that the air around her was even colder. Jason must have known about the event where Scott was at today, right? Crystal's face was filled with anticipation as she said, "But if you can come with me, I will be very happy!" Jason frowned. It wasn't displeasure, but shock. What she did this morning was enough to surprise him, but now she made such a request... He had to think about what she wanted to do. Could it be that Crystal had changed her strategy and wanted to advance in order to retreat? "I have a lot of work to deal with in the morning, so I can't go with you." "Okay," replied Crystal in disappointment. "Alright then, I'll go by myself." Jason stared at her for a while. Neither of them spoke again. Then she got up, washed up, and left the dining room. "Jason, get back to work. I'm going to the event." Crystal said to Jason. Jason replied with a "hmm" with an expressionless face. Crystal looked back at him repeatedly with every step she took, although Jason kept looking at the computer screen without giving her a look. But Crystal was still reluctant to part with him. She really wanted to stay with him for a while longer, but she had to send a big gift to Scott. When she reached the door, she ran back to him and whispered excitedly, "Jason!" Then Crystal turned his face, kissed him on the cheek, and trotted away. Looking at her back, which was as cute as a rabbit, Jason couldn't help frowning and felt more and more insecure. What on earth was she trying to do? This question lingered in his mind. He couldn't help reaching out to touch the place where Crystal had kissed. The feeling just now was like jelly, making him addicted to it. After running out of Jason's office, Crystal's heart was still beating fast. "Alas, the feeling of secretly kissing the person you like is so... exciting." Crystal thought. She was a little shy and happy, so she covered her mouth and giggled. She went downstairs, got in the car, and left the Edwards Group. Scott's party was held at Mirage Hotel. When she was still on the way, Crystal received a phone call from Grace, who bombarded her with phone calls. "Crystal, why haven't you arrived yet? All the guests have arrived!" "If you don't take advantage of this opportunity and confirm your relationship with Scott, who will acknowledge your relationship in the future?" "Scott is so excellent. In the future, when he takes over the company of the Walker family, countless people want to marry him. Can you compete with them?" "Crystal, don't blame me for being so anxious. I'm just thinking about you and him. You said that you were infatuated with Scott, and he also expressed his affection for you. You have to seize the opportunity, do you know?" Grace sounded as if she was worried sick about them. The smile on Crystal's face did not reach the bottom of her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll definitely be there in twenty minutes." Crystal said. Not only would she go there, but she would also give them a "big gift".
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