Chapter 91 Series of Questions From Jason

1335 Words

Thrown harshly to the ground, Grace's mind suddenly cleared. However, when she saw the person who had thrown her, she couldn't believe it once again. Surprisingly, it was her latest admirer, Hendrick. "Snap out of it, Grace. It's not Crystal who ruined you, but yourself. If you hadn't done those things, how could Crystal have gotten the evidence?" Hendrick roared loudly, his eyes turning red with anger. The air fell silent for a moment. Time seemed to stand still at this moment. It seemed as if only Hendrick's panting could be heard. After a while, someone finally complained, "Exactly! Instead of looking for their own faults, they're blaming the person who uncovered the evidence. Is that fair?" "My worldview is completely shattered! I never thought my idolized idol would be like th

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