
1028 Words
Lady Sophia slowly settled in her chanbers, looking around the big hall. It had three different compartments excluding the large bath house, and the room that contained only the dresses. She watched as the servants put everything together for her before they all bowed and slowly walked out of the chambers. She took in a deep sigh, then looked down at her hand. Paul. He had most probably been unable to go out of Fermich early enough. She swallowed. She was treading on dangerous paths. But she would be willing to. With Paul, not so much. She did not want to sacrifice the man who had lost the woman he had been so in love with, to the man who had sent her to her early death. Suddenly, the chamber opened and Prince Xander walked in, his hands clasped behind him, his smile small. "I can see you have settled in, Lady Sophia." She immediately stood up, her fists clenching. "Where is he?" His brows furrowed. "Who?" "You know who I speak of! Tell me where he is right now!" Prince Xander gave a small laugh. "Of course, I will. I have no use for him anyway. But that does not also mean that I will not decide to kill him. He does not have a use with me after all." She took a step forward to him, covering their distance, her eyes widened with anger and unspoken threats. "You do not dare lay a finger on Paul or..." "Or what?" Prince Xander interrupted, moving forward to her so he closed the small gap even more. Slowly, his hand wrapped around her accusing finger and he pulled her to him, forcing her to look up to his eyes. "Tell me why you have come here. Tell me why you have so brazenly forced me to marry you. Tell me what aim you seek to achieve." She pulled her hand, but his grip was stronger and she ended up panting hard, her breaths heaving. He gave a small smile. "I do not believe you want to see your beloved servant. If you did, you would be speaking right now." He slowly let go of her hand and she let it drop to her side, her eyes filling with angry tears. Slowlt, he turned away to the door. "Diana," she suddenly said, turning to his bsck. He turned to her with a blank expression, his hands still clasped behind him, his hair in a loose bun. "Speak." "I am her sister. I am Diana's sister." Prince Xander's brows furrowed even darker as he slowlt turned to her. "So? What does that have to do with me?" She moved forward. "How dare you even speak about someone who died for you so nonchalantly? Have you no shame?" Lady Sophia was now at her edge, her fists clenched, her eyes brewing with tears almost the same temperature with her boiling blood. He gave a small sigh. "The only people I am aware have died for me are the soldiers at the front line of war, Lady Sophia. This lady Diana is as foreign a name as you used to be to me a few days ago." Lady Sophia felt her heart almost explode with anger. But before she could retort, ask how how he could have forgotten a maiden who was carrying his child, ask him everything she knew he must have flung a way because it had no use to him, a small voice came from the door. "My lady. I have brought fresh petals for your bath. Please permit me to come in." Lady Sophia turned to Prince Xander whose eyes had suddenly turned solemn from hearing Charlotte's voice. She smiled and nodded. "Come in. I am sure His Highness would like a bath too." Prince Xander turned to her, but said nothing, his eyes saying eveything for him. He looked livid enough to kill and she smiled sweetly. Slowly, the door opened and Charlotte walked in with a large bowl filled with rose petals. She bowed to both of them and made her way to the large bath house. "I will be taking a bath. Would you like to join me?" He gave a small humorless chuckle. "With how bloody your spy is, he probably needs a bath more than I do right now." Lady Sophia gritted her teeth, just as Charlotte emerged again, walking slowly, her head bowed. Lady Sophia watched , her eyes thinned with anger. How could he forget her sister? Just like that? Since he did not love Lisette, had he cast her aside because of Charlotte? Was Charlotte the woman he would not bear losing? Charlotte came up to them, then gave a bow, balancing the bowl on one hand as she went down. Prince Xander did not turn to her, his eyes tender even when he was not looking. Charlotte rose and started to walk away. "Your Highness. I would like for Charlotte to become my handmaiden." Prince Xander snapped up to her, his eyes clouding. "What?" Charlotte stopped walking and turned, her eyes wide. "Yes. I believe from sunrise tomorrow, I will have to go through various grooming exercises that would put me in shape to acsend the kingdom's crown princess throne." "There are so many other servants, Lady Sophia." Prince Xander said, his voice coming out a little muffled as a result of his clenched teeth. "And I believe," she continued, like he had not said a word. "Throughout these days, I will be groomed and cleaned for the first night when I will grace His Highness's bed. To the extent of my knowledge, I can trust, that Charlotte's gentle hands would be good enough to nurture the body of the woman who would marry the man she is in love with. And prepare me for my first night with the man she is in love with." Charlotte felt her heart sink as Lady Sophia turned to her, her eyes big and teary, yet held a venom that frightened her even more. "My lady..." Charlotte started to say, her voice breaking into a thousand incomprehensible pieces. "Am I not right, Charlotte?"
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