Visit to Greavaria: Part IV

2136 Words

Dylan and Archie remained silent. "Well... I'll help the knights to release the horses we're going to use," he said getting up. "Oh alright," Dylan forced a smile. Finally Archie got out of the carriage. Dylan watched Archie close the door. Dylan rested a hand on his chest and relaxed against the seat. "I'm almost discovered... It was close..." He peeked out the carriage window and saw Archie, there, preparing one of the horses. After five minutes the carriage door opened and it was one of the knights. "Your highness, your horse is ready," the knight bowed. "Thank you" Dylan said getting up. Dylan got out of the carriage and followed the knight, both were walking towards two horses. It was where Archie was. His eyes met and they both looked away. "Here is your horse, your high

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