Chapter fourteen – Friends and Foes

2046 Words

Aurora My wet eyes shoot up, seeing Luke standing in the courtyard just a few paces away from me. My body is frozen, but my wolf is howling in my head, so loud that it’s disorienting, my eyes fixating on the sight of my best friend here in the palace courtyard, something I honestly thought wouldn’t happen. Despite everything going on, the millions of worries I have swirling in my mind, I jump up at once and throw myself into his expectant arms, holding me tight to his chest like he always use to, and for a moment I picture us out in front of my parent’s house, ready to go to town and find our group of friends to conquer the day together as hopeful, future warriors. But I pull away, wiping my tears, reality brushing back up my throat and making my breath hitch. At least he is here, altho

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