Chapter 15 - P2

534 Words
Chase waits for me on their lawn, the outside light illuminating his face making his face look like silver. I take big steps over the fluffy grass until I’m standing right infront of him. “What’s up?” he says, the way he usually greets. I purse my lips and try not to cry.  He nods and takes my school bag and we go inside straight towards his room.  It doesn’t seem as if he knows anything.  Or is keeping secrets from me.  He closes his door and I feel filled with questions, zooming around my mind.  Should I be honest with Chase?  Or should I play things safe.  Maybe I should tell the police the whole situation?  I want to but something in the back of my mind says I shouldn’t.  I want to scream in frustration. “What’s wrong?” Chase asks and goes to sit on his red desk chair. He looks at me with seriousness and knitted eyebrows.  I look at him seeing a younger version of Stephen.  Pure eyes.  Eyes I’ve known for so long.  Eyes I trust. “Chase.” I start still contemplating if I should tell him everything. It feels as if someone is squeezing my brain with force and I don’t know what to do. He raises his eyebrows, waiting for me to talk. “I’m in love with your brother.” I start, just  to know what he’s going to say about it. “I know.” he chuckles.  He knows. “Well how do you feel about it?” I challenge. “I don’t know,” he raises his shoulders, “Go forth.” he gestures forward.  Doesn’t seem as if he cares.  And he hasn’t got something to say about his Stephen. “So you don’t care?” “Why should I care?” My mind rambles with thousands of thoughts. Is he going to say something about Stephen?  "Oh." I say and finger my earlobe, not knowing what else to say.  "Yeah, I mean good for you, my brother is a good guy." What?  He is saying that he's brother is a good guy.  So that means he doesn't know anything? I bite my lips.  "Can I use your laptop please?"   He scratches the back of his neck, "Sure." he gestures behind hin where his laptop. Is situated on his desk.  He stands and go out of his room.  I take a deeo breatj and fumble with my hands.  I take out the CD which are in the envelope of my file. I take a deep breath and put it in Chase's laptop.  I bite my lips and look at the door, hoping Chase wouldn't come in. My eyes grow big when a video starts to play on the laptop. I gulp and my stomach gets filled with adrenaline.  "What the fuck." I mutter.  My breathing grows long and hard.  "What the fuck." I scream in fright when Chase stands in his door frame.  He starts to laugh, "What are we watching porn."  I gulp...
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