Chapter 3 - Feeling green

1868 Words
I take off my clothes, piece by piece, and feel relieved with only cold air touching my bare skin. I put both my hands on either side of the sink and take deep breaths. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, feeling miserable, seeing my mom's face. Her vibrant green eyes that I inherited a shade darker. Her light brown hair, always styled in a neat high ponytail. Her small button nose that I always pushed for her to give me a chocolate that she hid somewhere in her clothes or  handbag.  Her plump lips were always colored with red-red lipstick.  Until it became cracked and uncared for, her eyes  lifeless and her hair dead.  I suck in a pained breath. I hate to look in the mirror, seeing her every time. I clench my jaw and climb in the shower, letting the hard stream hit my back. I relax and take a gloop from the sea grass body wash and spread it over my skin with a washing sponge.  "Hey." I scream in fright when Lisa barges in the bathroom.  I hold my wrists hard against my body.  "Can you atleast knock."  "Why?" she asks, closing the door behind her and watching me from head to toe.  "What?" I ask uncomfortably.  "Wow Riley, " she put her hands on her hips, "I didn't know you have such a nice body."  I look down feeling my face turning red.  She sits on the closed toilet seat not taking her eyes off me.  "Wow." she screws her eyes.  "Can I have some privacy please?" I plead and she quickly turns around and I take the opportunity to quickly rinse my body and wrap my big purple towel around my shoulders, making sure it's covering my arms.  "How'd you come in anyway?" I ask and Lisa turns around with gloomy eyes.  "Oh you're dad let me in."   I gulp and swipe my tongue over my teeth. I make my way towards my room, Lisa following behind. "I still can't get over it." Lisa mumbles.  "What?" I close my door behind us and lock it.  "You're body." she throws her hand in the air, "Why do you hide it so much.  It's practically perfect."  I shake my head, "You know why."  "I'm sure you can at least like wear something tighter." she gestures at her butt.  I lift my shoulders, careless.  "How?" Lisa yells. Streaks of blonde hair falls in her face and she violently swipe it behind her ears, "You- You're practically perfect, " her face turns red, "and you can wear absolutely anything still looking gorgeous as fuck."  she slams her hand on her leg. I put my finger on my lips, looking at her breathing hard.  "I think you're over exaggerating, Lisa."  She raises her eyebrows at me.  "You're beautiful, " I quickly dress in a white second skin and throw an Instinct T-shirt over with grey sweatpants, "Don't know why you're complaining."  "Without make up, I'm nothing." she mumbles and rubs her face heavily.  "I don't see the problem, you're still pretty." I lick my lips and look at her big eyes.  She does wear alot of makeup, but she's still beautiful with her outstanding blue eyes and long curly blonde hair.  She blows noisy air out of her mouth but keeps quiet with words.  I fall down on my bed, scattered pillows making my lay uncomfortable.  Lisa go sits at my messy desk, almost letting one of my pot plants fall. I love having green vibrant plants situated in every corner of my room, it makes me feel soulful and my room smells earthy.  "So Stephen is next door." Lisa smirks.  I lift my head and catch a glimpse of my frizzy hair in the mirror and I comb through it with my fingers.  "Yeah?" I lift my eyebrows at her.  I look at her skimpy outfit that I didn't notice earlier. A white jean short and a red crop top showing off her sparkly belly ring.  Her make-up is more black and smokey than usual. I bite my lips.  "Can we go there?" she spins around in my desk chair a flirty smile playing on her face.  My thoughts become hazy and I think of yesterday, seeing him playing guitar with his strong hands and concentrated face. I grip my bed's blanket tightly and face her looking suspicious all of a sudden.  "Sure." I force myself to say and she jumps up and claps her hands excitedly.  She drags me off the bed and out of the room.  I see dad sitting behind his big desk in the study.  He eyes us from under his glasses. "We're going to Chase, dad." I called but before I could hear his reply we're already out in the yard.  "I'm dressed to impress." she gestures at her body while striding impatiently towards Chase's. I glance at my outfit and feel disgusted, compared to her's. Lisa always dresses with flare and makes sure she's always on peak with her fashion but she has never worn such short shorts. She really wanted Stephen's attention and she's probably going to get it. I gulp feeling a small amount of jealousy in the pit of my stomach.  She knocks on their big oak door, "Hi." Bonnie opens the door. Her eyes widen in happiness and she ushers us in. I see her looking at Lisa with pursed lips from behind. She eyes me sideways before speaking, "Want anything to drink? Juice, soda, beer Riley?" she emphasizes her last words with a toothy grin. Lisa turns and eyes us with suspicion, "Beer?"  "Yeah she and Chace had some beer yesterday." Bonnie giggles historically.  "Without me?" Lisa says with a fake gasp.  Lisa goes to a lot of teenage parties and  gets her fair share of alcohol.  "I'd like some coke please." I say, knowing they always have it stocked.  "Me too." Lisa utters and sits on a wooden chair looking defeated.  "What has gotten into you." Bonnie asks with sympathy, pouring coke in tall beer glasses.  "You're both so beautiful." she slumps forward.  I screw my eyes, wondering why she's so negative and acting so strange suddenly.  "That doesn't make you not beautiful." Bonnie says sternly puts the coke in front of her.  "Hello?" Chase appears, looking at us questioningly.  "Hello." I say with a small smile taking a small sip from the coke. "What you're doing here?" he keeps his eyes on Lisa.  Lisa looks at me, telling me through a face expression that she doesn't know what to say.  "Was bored, so came over." I say and shrug.  "Oh." he lifts his shoulders and grabs the coke bottle Bonnie used and walk off.  I laugh and Lisa jumps up, making the coke in her hand woosh wildly.  I stay behind as Bonnie connects her phone to a speaker and plays Elvis Presley - Can't help falling in love.  I smile as she closes her eyes and gently sway to the melody.  "Love this song." she boasts and I think of most of the times being here, an Elvis Presley song is played and Bonnie becomes dreamy in her own world. Feeling like she needs space I go towards the living room, put my glass on the side table and slump on their comfortable couch. I look at the swimming pool scenery through the big modern window. I stare, wondering why Lisa is acting so strange.  Is it really just to earn Stephen's attention? With her beautiful slender body, bubbly personality and outstanding blue eyes it’s never hard for her to get somebody's attention. I run my fingers over the red fluffy pillows, loving the soft feel. The black walls contrasting with the red couches made it feel like it's a room where magic happens.  My eyes catch a vision from the side and I snap my head towards the direction, seeing Stephen walking in. Without looking  he sits on the other smaller couch, grabs the remote and switches the big flat screen TV against the wall on.  I nervously play with my hands and try not to look at his black t-shirt and sweatpants, with his bare feet kicked on the little table in front.  I watch as he turns to a channel that only plays music, closes his eyes and lays his head back.  Feeling as if I'm intruding his personal space I sniff and push myself from the couch.  "Stay." he demands, his voice deep and pure.  "No, it's okay." I mutter and turn towards the door.  "No, then I'll go." he stands up, putting the remote gently back on the table.  "No."  I emphasize and go sit back on the couch.  He looks at me with a small smile and crashes backwards, making a few strands of hair fall in front of his face and I can't help but smile too.  "Oh hi." Lisa makes an entrance and I feel guilt building up in my stomach seeing her looking at me with confusion.  She came here to see Stephen and now I'm here sitting with him.  Stephen looks at Lisa with an emotionless expression and doesn't say anything, so I fill the silence with a simple "Hello."  "Hi, I'm Lisa." she stands before Stephen holding her hand out. Stephen roams her body from bottom to top with his eyes before he places her hand in his and softly kisses it. "Good to meet you Lisa." Lisa smiles with satisfaction and sits next to me, throwing her leg over the other.  I set my attention on my fingers, clenching my teeth.  I try to ignore the feeling of jealousy silently flowing in my veins. "So you're enjoying your time visiting schools so far?" "It's great." he says with his eyes on her bare stomach. I put my finger on my lips as they continue to chat. I take the queue to leave and walk towards Chase's room.  "Hey!" I slap my hand on his open door, trying to scare him but he is unfazed with his face on the TV, busy playing Playstation.  "What's up?" he says, patting on the bed next to him.  I jump on his bed, dark blue just like the rest of his room.  Everything blue with posters of ships and cars messily stuck on one of his walls.  "When are you going to change your room a bit?" I ask, resting my hands on my stomach.  "Well, how should I change it?"  "I don't know, something you're interested in?  "Should I put posters up of naked women then?" he jokes and I purse my lips before bursting out in laughter, joining me.  "I'm going to invite Trace and Carlos." he says, taking out his phone.  "Cool."  I say and I can't help but think about Lisa and Stephen. Maybe if Trace and Carlos came over they wouldn't be able to be alone a lot.  "Yeah, you guys want to come over?"  I hear screeching and laughter coming from downstairs, knowing that it’s Lisa’s voice and I roll my eyes.  I feel mad at myself for the uncontrollable feeling of jealousy and try my best to hide it.
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