Chapter thirteen At the Castle of AfferatuI should really have said to rescue a princess from a dragon-guarded tower. For her jailers had four captive risslacas, dinosaurs of ferocious aspect, chained up at the inner and outer gates. The walls towered. The arrow slits were narrow and deep. The moat was brimming and the drawbridge was up. “No hope,” said Dogon the Lansetter as we stood under a tree that dripped water on our heads and shoulders and down our necks. The local rebels were very disheartened, dispirited, seeing nothing but failure ahead after their last failure. They’d been easy enough to find and identify from the information Orlan Mahmud had given me. We skulked in the woods and spied on the castle and we might as well have been on the first of Kregen’s seven moons, the Maid