Chapter Three-3

2055 Words

“I am not sure that would be advisable,” Lord Branscombe said sharply. “Then, of course, you will have to tell me, Uncle Kenrick, to whom I can talk and with whom I must keep silent,” Latonia said. Again she thought that he was becoming suspicious because she was being so amenable. Then finally he took from amongst his papers a small book which she saw, when he put it down on the table in front of her, was a dictionary of Urdu words. “Pull up a chair at the table and I will see,” he said, “if you have an ear for learning what is a difficult language that requires a great deal of concentration. If I think it is hopeless from the start, I will say so and you must accept my decision in this matter.” “But of course,” Latonia agreed. “I quite understand, and I am very grateful. At the same

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