13 Maddock pulled the rented SUV halfway off the narrow county road just before a culvert bridge, allowing the oncoming semi hauling a good-sized backhoe room to pass. A white work truck followed close behind. Block letters painted on the truck’s door said it belonged to Lakeside Star Excavation, based in Cleveland, Ohio. Staring ahead, Bones said, “Looks like that crew just left our farm.” Maddock waited while a white van pulled out of the farm’s gravel driveway and turned left, opposite the direction of the truck. “Couldn’t read the side of the van,” Maddock said. “One word looked like ‘Graphic.’” Bones shrugged. “How do they expect to drum up business if people can’t read what’s on their van?” “Graphic,” Maddock said with a grin. “Bet it belongs to our friend Johnny Harshbinner.”