Paulo Lamberti 40, Zoon of Vito and Leonora. Mafia boss in New York. Takes care of all Lamberti matters. Valerio walks away and I look at my two older brothers. I have almost no contact with Valerio anymore, but this is not a behavior I know about him. He's always been our wild kid. Kicked and screamed at everything and everyone. Never wanted to listen. Screamed when he was angry and sad. He was always very vocal about what happened to him. Calmly saying what he needs is not his style. But the more I look at my brothers, the more I see that I'm no longer part of their lives. We have a group chat, but everyday things don't happen in there anymore. We hardly call and speak to each other anymore, whereas we used to do almost everything together. I went with Enrico a lot on 'business tri