Chapter 1 First Encounter

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“Oh gosh, Bella, hurry up! I’m almost late, we have to leave now to avoid the traffic! I shouldn’t be late for my cruise boarding!” Exclaimed Athena. “I’m coming girl, your driver at your service! I know you’re too excited for your two week cruise vacation, if I were able to file a leave before your scheduled vacation, I would be as excited as you are.” Answered Bella. “Mr. Tuffin, all your needed documents were already placed inside your clutch bag. One more thing, just a reminder that this afternoon at 4 o’clock you’ll be boarding for a transatlantic cruise to Europe from Florida, USA. If you were only there for a vacation purpose, you would be delighted to see the breathtaking sceneries of all the exciting destinations.” Said Miss Cole. “Miss Cole, stop minding for my business trip. You knew so well, as my secretary, that I didn’t dwell useless breaks in wasting my time just to find pleasures through trips.” Reacted Mr. Tuffin. At the PARADISE cruise “Whew! I love this serene feeling at the middle of the ocean! I badly need this vacation.” Athena told herself. I was thankful that mom and dad forced me to take two week vacation and booked for my transatlantic cruise to Europe from USA. They’re worried about my health, since I seldom take breaks. I couldn’t blame them, since I only devoted all my time to work despite the exhaustion in order to make my own company as one of the famous businesses in the country. I know my parents are not that rich but they have enough property to support me as their only child. As I grew up, they taught me how to use my intellect well and to be an independent woman with a strong character. I vowed to myself that this cruise vacation to Europe from USA would be an exciting escapade as ever be. Yoo-hoo- Florence, Italy, Lisbon, Portugal, Nasau, Bahamas, Paris, France and Palma de Mallorca, Spain, here I come! I coudn’t stop smiling in celebrating my excitement, as I focus my attention to the luxurious cruise amenities and its splendid internal structures. I shifted my glances to my fellow passengers who were in their fancy outfits and fashion tastes. Aah, dream come true! I was on cloud nine when someone pushed me accidentally and caused for my embarassing fall... “Oh my God, I’m gonna bruise my face!” I was already closing my eyes and expecting for a loud hit of my fall when I felt a hard chest that caught me from falling. I was busy typing replies for the emails of my secretary when a woman in front of me was hysterical, as she was about to fall. With my instant reflexes, I caught her from falling. “Hey, Miss, are you okay?” I asked her worriedly. I looked at her brown eyes as they opened widely when she felt that I was hugging her closely to my chest. I could sense from her reaction that she’s still shocked from her expected fall. “Be patient, Dylan.” I told myself, as I was about to be impatient waiting for her answer. “Th- -thank you. Ye- - yes, I’m alright.” I stammered as I answered shyly. I held my breath as I looked closely the handsome face with a lot of character. “Oh my, did a greek god just descend to Earth?” I wasn’t able to answer him immediately because I was mesmerized by his extreme handsomeness. “Alright then, next time be careful and be alert.” He said expressionlessly. “Yes, I will. Thank you for your help!” I said, but he already left before I finished talking. Oh, I was wrong! How could he change his expression to a cold one immediately. I thought he’s a charming and kind hearted prince, but I saw coldness in his eyes as he left. “Yes, Miss Cole, I read and replied all your emails. Got you, I’ll return a call to Mr. Smith. Thank you for your hard work. Please keep me updated with all the companies’ transactions.” “Mr. Tuffin, some of your business deals were being cancelled so your remaining five days will be spent leisurely at PARADISE. Make your vacation days productive, you might possibly meet you soul mate.” Miss Cole with exciting remarked. “Geez! Enjoy without thinking of your businesses, give yourself a break and chill!” She reminded. I decided to go to my cabin. Wow, I guess, Miss Cole, booked this oceanview room for me to enjoy my five days fully. I hope, I could prevent my workaholic body from updating messages and calls pertaining to my businesses by then. “Let’s savor the moments of vacation, Dylan.” I smiled while talking to myself. I searched for my cabin and found out that it’s an oceanview room. As I slid the curtains at each side, I’m in awe to the beauty of my sight! “This is it, Athena”, I exclaimed to myself. I’m so thrilled for more exciting terrains of the ports of call on this cruise destinations. I recalled the incident a few minutes ago. Goodness gracious, I felt red flushed on my cheeks when I could still felt how that attractive man hugged me! I could even smell the masculine scent of his expensive signature perfume on my crop top blazer. I shook my head, relax self you were never easily attracted to a stranger and on that short encounter. I decided to familiarize myself for the cruise’s scheduled shows at its theater. I might as well look at the the list of menus of its specialty restaurant. Big foodie is on the move!

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