#Chapter 31 A Turning Point

1039 Words

In the swirling darkness I could feel them. Without seeing them, I could tell them apart from how they felt against my skin, my fur. Brian was soft against me, gentle, like a breath of fresh air. Cheney felt like worn down sandpaper, rough, but it was comforting in a way. And Nicholas, he felt like a heated blanket on a frigid winters night. In the darkness of my mind, I began to dream. I could see their faces, in both human and wolf forms. I could feel them touching me, hands caressing my skin, the nuzzling of their fur covered faces against my sides. The heat within me grew with every gentle stroke. Bodies began to meld together, and I became unsure of who’s hands, lips, teeth were on me. They were everywhere, almost overwhelming, but it was the most intense pleasure I’d ever felt.

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