To Spite You

2309 Words

Landon Tewers- Need to Change     Now that everyone knows that Young and I are done, our table is suddenly the place to eat at. It's kind of annoying. I hate being around crowds for long periods of time. I can stand it when it's a necessity. Being in front of the camera for all of the Avalon to see, for example, anything other than that is unwelcomed.      "Liiii," Meer sang trying to get my attention. I turned my attention to her absently mindedly. "You okay? Hungover?"      "No, I'm not hungover," I laughed.      "I am," Lucille groaned across from me. I smiled at her. "f*****g fairies,"      "i***t," Lily scoffed.      "You haven't had fairy drinks have you?" I asked her.      "Nope. Those are real things? Why are they called fairy drinks?"      "Because fairies make them," Luci

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