Chapter 11

2150 Words
Rue’s POV I bent down so I could be on par with the little girl, she was beautiful, I have never seen a little girl as delicate as she is, and she turned out to be this Man’s daughter. I didn't even know he had a daughter, does it also mean he has a mate? Oh, that would be quite hard to believe. I thought to myself, who would be able to put up with someone like him? Someone who only thinks about himself and is rude and unbecoming like him. At least he is kind to his daughter, and that's beautiful to watch. But then seeing her come to me was unexpected, she has the same beautiful eyes as her father but her hair looks a little bit different, probably better. “Hi, My name is Rue” I replied her “That's pretty. Rue what? What's your surname?” “Oh darling, I don't have a surname” “But why? Everyone has a surname” And she is smart too. Her beautiful tiny voice was almost like a song to my ears, from all the children I have ever had to babysit, no one has ever been this kind to me, even their curiosities were rude and their parents didn't bother to caution them but rather they would encourage more of it by answering their questions about me by themselves. Yet this one, you can feel the genuine interest in her questions. “Hey, don't ask questions like that” Her father bent down with us, and I will not lie, I was surprised. I have not seen him so close before. The girl looked up at him with puppy eyes, already feeling guilty about her question. “No... No... It's okay. I am okay” I took my attention away from him and faced his daughter, they both looked more alike than I thought. “Look at me, I am fine. It's okay to ask questions, especially when you are genuine about it. I was not given a surname, I have never had one... So just Rue should be good. What about you? What's your name?” “Aleria! My name is Aleria! But I won't tell you my surname now until I find you a surname” She sounded happy and looked like she was keeping a big secret, she was enjoying herself. She then looked up to her father again, with a happy look this time, and asked so innocently “We will find her a surname, right papa?” At that moment he looked at me and then slowly replied to her, “Yes, whatever you say, princess. Have you thought of one yet?” He was still looking at me as he said those words, and it made me feel quite uncomfortable. Not the words but the way he was looking at me. “No, Papa I have not. But I will. We will find it together, won't we? “ She was saying it like she had a special place to look for surnames. “Yes, we will” he replied. Liar! I knew he was lying only because he wanted the matter to rest, he was not planning to do anything. “Papa! I want her!” That took me unexpectedly. In fact, it was a shock to everyone present. What does she even mean by that?? “What do you mean Princess?” “She is the one that I want! I want her to be the one to take care of me” What? That's it? “Of course! I’d be happy to. In fact, I am honored” I said. “Yaaayyy! Come” she put her tiny hands in mine “Let's go to my room” After a few tiny steps, she turned to her father as if she had just forgotten that he was there. “Papa, I am not taking the warm bath again today, what about tomorrow? You will be okay without me, right? But we will be in the same house, so you won't miss me” She started moving again with her tiny hands still in between mine. My eyes caught his facial expression before turning away completely, I don't know if I should be worried about the facial expression or if I should be happy... It was not clear enough, his lips pressed together as if he was angry or maybe he was just thinking about something. It didn't matter, someone else was already making me at home in the beautiful pack. “Let's go to the council of elders! I will have that meeting now!” I heard him say from the back, the position we had just left and it was definitely not Marcel, I know Marcel’s voice now to an extent and it was definitely not him sounding like that. What business has he got with the council members of a pack? Has he committed a crime? Or is it because of Marcel? I was curious because deep down I don't really want them to punish him for anything. His strides were quicker than ours and in no time I was looking at the back of his head in front of us, and the heads of so many others who have now joined them, the way he walked by and forward, so graciously, so king-like... But of course, He completely ignored us. But I know it is only going to be for a while, Marcel will protect him, and since he is going with him, he will not allow his loyal servant to be punished unjustly, I know that. Marcel is a good master, he has been kind to me even though he has only known me for a day. “Don’t worry, Papa will come back soon. He is very kind and he will make you feel at home” Just to you baby girl, he has never been kind to me. I thought to myself, of course, I'm not going to talk badly about her father in front of her, what if she reports me? “Oh I'm sure he will… how long do we need to go to get to your place?” I asked because it was taking a longer time than I thought it should, and it was beginning to seem like she was missing her way. “It’s soon..we will get there soon,” She said confidently. This whole time her nanny is walking behind us, slowly. Maybe she does not want to be noticed or she is just too tired to catch up. I pity the woman already, she does not look fit for the job. What she needs is rest and a good full body massage. “Don't worry yourself about her,” Aleria said, holding my hand tightly. “That’s how she is always and she is unkind to me too.” She must have noticed my attention shift to the nanny. “They don’t usually last very long because I don’t accept their wicked ways. They don’t give me my food on time and they don’t let me take warm baths.” Warm baths must mean so much to her. Either way, both are suffering, both the employee and the employer. It didn't take much longer before we finally walked to the house. I knew we were there before she even made any comment since now she was walking straight ahead instead of her zig-zag way of walking. And just to be very honest, The building is very beautiful, really beautiful indeed! I wonder how it would look inside if the outside looked like this. I can say it was the first of its kind I have ever had to lay my eyes on in my entire life, better than I ever saw in Blue Moon pack. I think I'm going to like it here very much, majorly because of the greens and plenty of fresh air around the place. I feel like I can finally breathe. It has a neoclassical front facade. It has some really exotic statues, arches, and columns that were said to be of Corinthian and Tuscan designs. And some guards stayed getting some instructions from someone who seemed to be their commander. The walls are painted and they are so beautiful. They can seem to hit on the right color, it looks like a mixture of two to three colors but it doesn't matter, it all looks very beautiful. As we got closer to the guards, I swear I saw the one that seemed to be the commander go in shock for like a few seconds, as if he had just seen a ghost. A ghost, but I know it would not be me, I have never seen the man before so I wonder why he looked at me that way as if I was a long-lost sister or family and before I could straighten up from helping Aleria who was having difficulty climbing the steps, he was already facing the guards, looking at them so seriously as if he had not just seen me. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe it was me who saw it wrongly. We finally entered the building and all I could mutter was “wow” the interior is truly beautiful and they have this elegant chandelier, and paintings on the ceiling, which would definitely be from a very prominent painter. “Come! Let's go to my room, I want you to see my room” she said, dragging me with her when she noticed I was taking my time to take in everything I was seeing. It might not mean so much to her since she was born into this beauty and wealth but it meant everything to me. And does this mean I will also be living in this building? “Does Mr. Marcel live in here too, or is there still a bigger place than this?” “No, Uncle Marcel does not live here with us, he has his own place” “Ohh,” I thought as much, this could not be the biggest place, where would the alpha stay then? “But uncle Marcel’s place is not bigger than ours, my papa has the biggest house in our pack because rules over the whole land” she replied casually. “He rules the whole pack?” I asked again since it didn't seem like I heard her well. “Yes! He is the Alpha.” she said. Then I knew I was in trouble! I have been rude to the alpha of Crescent pack all this while? Does this mean I have been played with, he went along with the whole thing! Marcel went along with it making it look like he is the ruler, not him. Even with that, I never thought Marcel would be the Alpha of the pack! The best thing to do is to avoid him until I see Marcel! He is the only one I can meet and put my frustrations and anger out on. They have played with my intelligence. “Papa!” I could hear Aleria squeak as she released her tiny hand from mine and ran away from me. Did she just say ‘Papa’? I thought he went to a meeting! “My Princess!” That’s when I saw him, he was coming out of the rooms, he met her along the way, gathering her into his arms. Nowhere to go! No hidden corner to run to! What do I do? I just hope my panic won't show on my body, I wanted to enter into the floor, why did I have to find out this way? “Papa! I thought you left me again." “You know I would never leave you, I can say it was you who left me for someone new” he then looked at me. “I... I... Thought you went for a meeting” I muttered, I was not sure if he heard me or even if I wanted him to. I just had to say something. “Yeah, I canceled it. I was hoping to spend time with Aleria. I have left her for too long." “I guess it's true then... You are the alpha of crescent pack!” I looked him in the eye, daring him to say something else. I didn't know where the strength came from but I'm glad it did. “You must have found out then. Aleria here must have gotten herself busy.” he said tapping the tip of her nose. Really? That's all he is going to say? “I think you should know one more thing,” he said looking all serious “You are the luna of the pack” “What?” “You are my mate... My second chance mate”
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