Chapter 2: Emily's P.O.V.

1372 Words
!!! *** WARNING! CHAPTER CONTAINS MATERIAL THAT SOME READERS MAY FIND DISTRESSING! SUCH AS GORE, AND MURDER! READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED! *** !!! ************************************************************** "My, my," came a deep amused voice from the shadows. "What do we have here?" That voice was deep, but silky. It melted over me like butter. Yet, sent chills down my spine. His accent is thick, but I've never heard anything like it before. I turned around to look into the shadows. Barron had turned around with me. We knew exactly where to look. Hidden in the shadows is a man. We can see him clear as day. He has deep dark skin, a color I've never seen before. It makes the whites of his eyes stand out. A smile spread across his dark skin, showing shining white teeth. I was immediately on edge. "Who are you?" I asked. The man threw his head back, and cackled. "Are ya' afraid my dears?" He asked with a thick accent. What kind of accent is that? I've never heard anything like it. "Wait a second..." The man said. Then he was gone. Barron and I looked at each other. Then I felt the man behind us. "Hmmmm," he said as he inhaled deeply. "Ya' two ain't human. How interestin'." I saw the man put his hand on Barron's shoulder, and a chill ran down my spine. My body reacted before my mind knew what was going on. I grabbed the man's arm, and I felt my magic bubble up inside of me. The man chuckled until my grip tightened. His laughter died down as he looked between his arm and me. Then his eyes turned completely black. It even took over the whites of his eyes. My eyes widened, but I wasn't afraid. "It's you," I said softly. The man smiled. "You should leave," Barron told him. "I'm struggling enough not to rip your throat out as it is." The man looked at Barron and laughed. I saw his other arm start to move up, but I was quicker than him. I used the grip I already had on the man to throw him across the field. He went tumbling several feet... with one less arm. How much stronger have I gotten? What did Mother do exactly? The man got up to his feet as he laughed. "I ain't got no idea what ya' are, little girl, but I like it!" he said excitedly. I immediately drew a protective circle around Barron and me. The man came rushing towards us at impossible speeds. Only, he wasn't able to reach us. "You're the monster aren't you?" I asked him. Barron looked at me, but I chose to ignore him. "Ya can sense it," the man said. "But yur brother cannot. How peculiar." "Barron can sense it. He is a Witch too, after all." I spat. The man threw his head back and laughed. "A Witch? This man?" He asked while laughing. "I come from the sunny shores of Jamaica my dear. I've seen many a creature. Yur brother here... He ain't no Witch." I frowned at him. I looked at Barron. He looked down at his hands with a sad look on his face. I can't feel the hum of his power anymore... I didn't even notice. "I can't feel it anymore." Barron mumbled. "The energy of the earth... it's gone." What? "See, what I tell ya'?" The man said, amused. "I been livin' here for years though. I ain't ever smelled a creature like you two. You're... bloodthirsty. I like it. Let me show ya what your life can really be like, little Witch." "We are not going anywhere with you, you monster." Barron said. The man's eyes flickered at my brother, then back to me. "I was talkin' to her." He said. "You... you are different. Not like a creature I ever met. Ya smell like Vampires, but ya different in a way. Not red-eyed." I furrowed my brows. "What?" Barron asked. "Don't tell me ya don't know what Vampires are," the man said. Neither of us answered. "Ha!" He laughed. "Let me show ya." The man held his hand out to me. His black eyes bore into my soul. I held his gaze, but didn't take his hand. "I can show ya a betta life. One where you will never grow hungry. We can leave dis place, and start somewhere new. Now that you've gone and killed off my food supply." He cooed. "Let me show you how to really use your power." I only stared at the man. This is the man that is responsible for killing my family. He murdered my baby sister, my father, my other siblings. He backed my mother into a corner that resulted in her losing her life, and taking ours. "Don't tell me you are seriously thinking about taking his offer," Barron said. I opened my mouth to reply, but then our younger brother, Aric's voice interrupted us. "Emily! Barron!" Aric shouted. I looked from my little brother rushing towards us, to the monster in front of us. The man smiled at me. A smile that sent another chill through my body. Then he was gone. Instant panic filled me. I turned around to see a blur of the man rushing towards my brother. I knew at that moment what was going to happen. I was going to lose another member of my family. I stepped out of the protection circle to try to save my brother. I was too late. I had made it to Aric just as the man ripped his heart from his chest. I caught Aric just before he fell to the ground. I fell with him as sobs started to wrack my body. No... This can't be happening. "Aric!" Barron shouted. I stiffened. Then I flipped around to my last living sibling. "Barron no-" My words were cut off when Barron's head was torn from his body. I watched in horror as Barron's headless body fell to the ground. Ringing started in my ears, drowning out the man's evil laughter. I've... lost my entire family. All of them. My sisters. My brothers. My parents. Everyone is gone. "Are ya finally ready to come wit' me darlin'?" The man, now standing in front of me, asked. I looked up at him as numbness started to settle in my chest. I rested Aric on the ground, and stood to my feet. The man smiled at me, and held his hand out. I looked down at it as I rested my hand in his. The man chuckled. Then I squeezed his hand. The man fell to the ground in pain. He stared up at me confused and angry. I stared down at him with no emotion. "You killed my family, and you think I would just go with you?" I stated calmly. "Wait," the man said with a strained voice. "I can teach ya. I can teach ya to turn off your emotions. To be powerful. To live-" I bent down, and grabbed the man's face over his mouth, stopping his words. "I don't need your help," I said. "I stopped feeling the moment you killed my last brother." Then I pushed power through my hand. The man's face started to swell. His eyes grew red as veins started to pop out of his skin. With a sickening pop, the man's head exploded. Dark blood splattered all over my face, and the ground around me. I finally killed the monster that had been haunting me for my entire life. I avenged my family. I finally took down the monster that had killed my loved ones. The man that had a part in turning me into this monster. It didn't make me feel better. It didn't bring my family back. It didn't change me back. It only left me feeling just as hollow as I was the moment Barron died. All the meaning in my life was snuffed out in one night. No, my entire life. This all started the day that my baby sister was taken. My life stopped that day. Now I have nothing. No family. No village. Nothing but loneliness. Everything was a blur after that.
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