Chapter 7-Daring

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After Blacksmith left, I was dazed. I was so worried if he suspected me or not. I went to the greenhouse. I could see that the flowers were well cared for. These flowers once represented my love for Shehzad and I had wished to give a flower to him every day but now, the feelings aren't so mutual anymore.. I noticed that there was a fancy canopy that I hadn't seen before. When I approached it, I saw the Simper Augustus which I had grown for Shehzad for his birthday. "Hey," I flinched at someone touching my cheek. Shehzad chuckled amusedly. "Relax, it's just Me." he said. My eyes bulged out but I quickly composed myself. I bit my lip and looked at him lowered beside me "What is it?" I asked dryly. "Well that isn't a great way of saying 'hi' now is it?" he stated with a slight pout—oh my God, he looked so cute that way that I just wanted to pinch his cheeks but I refrained myself—it's a shame that he never revealed this easygoing side of himself to me before. My heart was pounding loudly due to his body being so close to mine so I jumped away from him and put some distance between us. "My luggage is ready, so you can take me to my new home now." I exclaimed with my face turned and my arms crossed. I heard him sigh deeply behind me. "You sound pretty eager to leave. You know that you don't have too." He said. I twisted my neck in his direction, where he stood tall and erect, his hands doused in his coat pockets. "And I think that you are forgetting the conditions on which I was brought back here." I replied sternly. He narrowed his eyes at me and exhaled deeply. "Alright, the car is waiting down. I'll send Hubert to collect your luggage." He said and went to the elevator. It was surprising that he took some time to drip me off. I followed suit when Hubert had taken my entire luggage. We didn't speak to each other during the whole ride. I was glancing outside of my window to see what Park Avenue was like but I could constantly feel his eyes on me. I saw his reflection musing at me but I didn't bare him any mind. When we arrived, I was visited graciously by the building staff and the guards. Arnold was once again assigned for my protection and I kind of liked that. We had become good acquaintances during the time we were together. The Penthouse was situated at the top of the building—the building was called the Atish Grand Hotel owned by Shehzad's second Uncle Salim who was the twins' father. "If this Hotel is owned by your uncle than how is the Penthouse yours? Didn't you have bad relations with your uncles?" I inquired when we got inside the elevator. He shrugged and took off his black sunglasses and his leather gloves. "I bought the Penthouse from him. he didn't agree at fist but then I offered to pay double for it to get him to agree." He told with a self-satisfied smirk. I frowned. "How much did you pay for it?" I enquired. "Oh . . . nothing but twenty million dollars." He said his expression blasé. My mouth hung open with surprise. "But why did you buy it in the first place? It sounds even more expensive than your Condo." I assessed. He gave me a small smile. "I'm afraid if I told you, you might get even more upset. This is the first time you started to make small talk with me ever since we got together." I scoffed, trying my best to look cavalier in front of him. "Don't flatter yourself. I don't think that there is anything more upsetting than what has happened already." I asserted. Last night, all of his previous attitudes came to mind so I devised a strategy—I was going to take the same attitude to show him how it feels to be ignored. The way how he disregarded was absolutely degrading. So I have thought to t*****e him a little. I was dressed in black and I was wearing bright red lipstick. I know that he is unconditionally attracted towards red on a woman and it always raises his interest and sexuality in them. I was acting quite seductively in front of him and I could easily see the apparent struggle in his eyes as he had clenched his jaw and balled his hands into fists to control himself. My plan was well in motion than. The elevator stopped and the doors directly opened into a large, classically decorated with red and black lounge, enamored with black leather furniture and marbled floor. Shehzad proceeded towards the mantel piece and started a fire and the heating system. I took off my overcoat and set my belongings on the leather couch. Shehzad stood a little away from me. "I had bought this house for Caroline and myself. She wanted to move to Park Avenue after we were married." He declared. My blood boiled with anger and I made no effort to stop myself from showing it. I gritted my teeth and fisted my hands. Now I see why this place is so elegantly designed and decorated. I felt like picking up the nearest object and throwing it on his face but I managed to contain my emotions. "Then why the hell did you bring me here? Couldn't you find a more cheaper place for me?" I asked through gritted teeth. "That's why I didn't want to tell you." He said nonchalantly. "Get out!" I shouted. He looked wryly at me. "Call me if you want a maid. I'll send in one." He uttered and headed for the steel doors that consisted of the elevator. "I'll come and visit on the weekends." He said over his shoulder. My nostrils flared in fury. "Don't bother!" I yelled and threw my muffle at him but the doors closed without hitting him. he had smirked at my foolishness. I started to cry and fell to the floor. Why is he torturing me like this? I hate him. I rubbed my tears off of my face as I realized that I will not let him treat me like crap ever again. I have suffered enough and I will not let him make me suffer again. I decided to explore my new house—whatever the case was, I shouldn't let the fact of Caroline wanting to live here with my husband should make a difference. In the end, I'm here and she's not. The house was very nice. Especially the master bedroom; it was laid with a large bed with dark red carpets and velvet black curtains. The room was embellished with all sorts of elegant artificial plants and flowers. I breathed in deeply. I went out for some grocery shopping to fetch Halal meat and drinks. Tomorrow will be tough so I needed to pack myself with as much strength as I could.                                                                          ********** The next day was tough. School seemed cold towards me aside from my friends and my cousins. I was even discussed in the School's newspaper and the school tabloids which to my annoyance had exaggerated my situation beyond my comprehension. I felt like ripping the Editor's Club's heads off.  The teachers were extremely crossed with me so I tried my best to explain my situation to them. I used the same excuse which I had with Joshua. Some of them felt sympathetic except for my Chemistry teacher. When school was over, the Music teacher told me that I was to resume my classes with Mr. Jacobs after the School Charity fair was over. And a lot of Debate competitions had also piled up for my club and me. After my club activities were over, I had to spend three hours in preparing for the Annual Charity Fair. I was so exhausted by the time I got back home that I fell on my bed and immediately fell asleep. When I became conscious, I realized that Fajr time had passed. I groaned and got up from bed. The bed was so comfortable that I didn't feel like getting up but seeing the disappointed look on my teachers' faces. I willed myself to get up into the cold. My body shivered in the cold atmosphere. I sighed and rubbed my face and my eyes. It was 6 a.m. in the morning. I had woken up early so I felt a little lazy. After I took a warm bath, I towel dried my hair and went to the kitchen to fix myself something to eat. The telecom rang. I switched on the screen.  "Yes?" I began. "Madam, you have a visitor," my security officer informed. "Who is it?" "She requests your company?" "Well," I was confused as to who wanted to see me but curiosity got the better of me so I allowed him to send the visitor. Within a few seconds, the elevator door opened. I was having my tea and almost choked when I saw the visitor. How dare she show her face here? I scowled at her. "How dare you show your face here?" I hissed through clenched teeth. Suzan fidgeted. "Can I come, please," she asked politely. I gritted my teeth in anger but managed to stay calm. "What do you want?" I inquired with narrowed eyes; fuming. "I want to talk, if you'd let Me." she instated. I sighed and nodded. She gave me a small smile and hoped out of the elevator. I gestured for her to take off her coat and hand it to me. She was rather surprised that I was showing her hospitality and why shouldn't I? Isn't that what Islam teaches all its followers to be kind to your guests no matter who they are? I presented her with a cup of hot coffee and biscuits and muffins. The look on her face was shunning. "So," I began and took a seat across from her. She traced the rim of the cup and bit on her lips in nervousness. "I, uh, I wanted to apologize." She started. I exhaled deeply. "I know that you never wanted to see my face again because of the despicable things that I had done, but I wanted to personally explain and then apologize to you so that my conscience could rest in peace." She said. I remained quiet and shook my head for her to continue. Her head was bowed and she continued talking. "At first, I thought that I would fight for Shehzad from you but seeing your innocence and blind trust, I couldn't bear it anymore. Although our relationship was absolutely physical yet  . . . . I loved him but he never reciprocated my feelings. To him, I was just another tool to be used . . . but I'm glad that you were different because Shed is like that way due to a long lost love for a girl named Cassandra. She's dead yet she lives in his heart." "Shed and I met when I had graduated from college and I was looking for a job but I couldn't for a year and that's when my father had a heart attack. I needed money but I didn't have any. That's when I started working for Shehzad as his secretary as well as his mistress and that was under a contract. I don't know if you believe it in or not, but he always makes the woman he wants to bed sign a legal contract to save himself from any lawsuit. But I fell in love with him despite knowing that he wouild never return back my feelings," "He doesn't care about any woman. After he is done using them, they become meaningless to him. that is also what he had done to me but you . . . it's a good thing that you rejected him otherwise you also wouldn't have mattered to him . . . . he would have used you and thrown you away without a single thought. Your rejection not only wounded his pride and ego but also aroused his interest." "He cares about you though otherwise he wouldn't have brought you back," "How did you know about that?" I asked in a low voice. She pursed her lips. "Larry is also my friend but he never knew about my relationship with Shehzad other than Employer and subordinate." She replied humbly. I could see the humility and regret in her eyes. "I have seen him change because of you and although they are small, yet they are very significant. He had almost terminated the contract between us when you had protested but he came to my bed yet again two months ago when he started to doubt you. But the little changes matter and it had pained me to be with him than. There have been many women who have crossed his path but never stairred his heart like you have. "I as a woman also understand your pain. At first, it was all just business for me too. I was trying to further my career but I didn't know that a woman's heart could be so hungry for love and that's when I started falling for him but whenever he took me in his arms, the thought of him having a loving wife at home killed me on the inside that is why I wanted you to know and the day you came to the office was the most ideal opportunity. Because being a woman myself, I know how it feels like to be hurt and be unloved. And  . . . . You have more right over him than I . . .  you are his wife after all." She stated. Her voice was becoming hoarse and I could see moisture at the corner of her eyes. "So, if you ever find it in your heart . . . than please forgive Me." she exclaimed and then got silent. I felt bad for her. She was good enough to admit her mistake and that is more than to earn my forgiveness. The goodness and mercy in my heart overflowed. "I forgive you," I said a low voice. She looked at me in complete bewilderment, her eyes flowing with genuine tears. "You realized your mistake and repented . . . not many people do that . . . and that is enough for me." I told her. She was still stunned and then began to cry loudly. "I cannot believe how kind you are," she cried. "Thank you so much. I prayed so hard for you to forgive me and thank god, you have." "Thank you, thank you." She stated and wouldn't stop crying. I also felt tears in my eyes as well. When she calmed down, I offered her some water. She stayed until she was calm enough to leave. When I went to school, I couldn't believe what had happened but I was feeling good. I had done a good deed after all.  ********** vote, comment, and promote.
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