Chapter : Twenty

1135 Words

Elle's POV  I was awoken by the sun shining in my face, god did it have to be so bright.. "shut your whining"  I heard my wolf Alex say. Well rude much.  I turned over to face Xavier putting my arm over to his side only to notice he wasn't there. I opened my eyes to see he wasn't in the room, I lifted my body up and got out of bed walking over to the bathroom door and trying to listen to see if he was in there and I couldn't hear the water running.  I decided on getting a towel and clothes and take a quick shower since he was probably down stairs in the kitchen. I turned the hot water on quite high, there was nothing better than a very hot shower. I must have been in there for quite a while without realizing it before I heard a knock on the bathroom door.  "Hold on I will be out in a se

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